Spilt tea

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Adelina was the first to wake up out of the two friends, Ciro had stayed on the couch the whole night like he agreed to

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Adelina was the first to wake up out of the two friends, Ciro had stayed on the couch the whole night like he agreed to. Adelina threw a pillow at him, in a attempt to wake him up. Her mom was standing by the counter cutting fruit for breakfast, smiling at the two friends.

"Wake up loser." Adelina hit him once again with a pillow.

"No, go away." He replied. Shoeing her away.

"Ciro I swear to god!" She jumped on him, hitting him even more with the pillow.

"Oh gosh! Dont kill the boy Adelina!" Her mother scolded her.

"Yeah Adelina dont kill me." Ciro agreed, pushing her off of him and onto the floor.

"You'll be lucky if I kill you!" She chased him around the counter, trying to attack him.

"Ok cutt it out you two. Sit down." She placed two fruit bowls infront of them. "Adelina dont forget you have the deb tea today."

Adelina groaned, pushing her head into the table, though it knocked over her bowl of fruit, cuasing Ciro to laugh at her.

"You did agree to it, no backing out now." Her mother told her, "besides it will do you some good, teach you
How to be mature."

"I think she's gonna need more than some deb lessons for that!" Ciro chuckled, shoving fruit in his mouth, Adelina smacked him in the face, cuasing the fruit to spit all across the counter

"Knock it off!" She glared at the two.

"Sorry mrs fortell." Ciro apolagized picking up the fruit. Mrs fortell was like a second mother to him, always there for him.

"So have you thought about who your taking as an escort?" Her mother asked.

"Myself." Adelina replied with a smirk.

"Absolutely not, what about the fisher boys, or Steven, laurels son?" She suggested.

"Steven Conklin?!" Adelina asked, mouth dropping. she could faintly hear Ciro laughing beside her, "No, absolutely not."

"Why? Hes such a nice boy. I dont understand why you dont like him!" Her mother sighed.

"A nice boy? In what world?" Adelina scoffed, "hes the most bit—"

"Adelina!" Her mother scolded.

"I was going to say— bitchiess person ever." Adelina smirked.

"What has the poor boy ever done to you?" Her mother asked.

Ciro groaned, "No offense mrs fortell, but dont get her started. Her and Steven have been going at it for years."

"Its his fualt."

"Its both your fualts, its all stupid." Ciro rolled his eyes, "yeah we all dont like him and all, but you. You hate his guts."

"For a good reason too!" Adelina defended, turining back to her mother, "no to all of them, espeically him."

Her mother sighed, "Fine, well you better come up with someone, before all the good guys are gone."

"I'll pick someone when I wanna pick someone." Adelina said.

"Damn right you will!" Ciro high fived her.

"Adelina, your going to be late to your tea party, go!" Her mother ushered her off.

"Catch ya later, Adelina!" Ciro waved her off, walking in the opposite direction. By the time she had arrived to the tea party, she was ten minutes late.

"Your late fortell." The lady tapped her watch.

"Sorry, I lost track of time." Adelina glanced around, she spotted Steven in a waiter outfit, snickering at her.

"Dont do it again, table four." Adelina nodded, just as the lady had turned away she flipped steven off as she took her seat.

"At it with my brother again?" Belly laughed as she sat down.

"Hes being an asshole again." Adelina said, glaring at him.

"Tell me about it." Belly agreed, "Anyways this is Shayla, Nicole and gigi. Im sure you've met some of them before."

Adelina glanced at their faces, Nicole and Gigi she had met but shayla she hadn't, she's seen her just never talked, she regonized her as the girl that was wrapped around steven's arm at the bonfire.

"Hi, its nice to finnally meet you, Im sorry about steven last night." Shayla spoke up.

Adelina gave her a warm smile, "not your fualt, just curiuse though, how do you stand him? How have you not punched him in the face?" The table laughed at adelina's words.

"Hes quite sweet honestly." Shayla smiled.

"Dont bother Shayla, They hate eachother." Nicole told her.

"More than hate, I remember Steven ruined Adelina's thirteenth birthday party on purpose."

"Its been going back and forth for years." Nicole sighed. "And then theres shayla, who's eye fucking him."

Shayla gasped, "thats Belly's brother."

Belly adjusted in her seat, obviously uncomfortable in the situtation.

"Ew." Adelina said, rolling her eyes, then she glanced at steven and for some reason there was a knot in her stomache, like the feeling that Shayla was intrested in the boy made her jelouse.

"Here he comes." Gigi giggled as Steven neared them. He began pouring their cups, he leaned down as shayla whispered into his ear, catching onto every word she said. Then when he rose he paused at Adelina's cup.

"Oops sorry I think I ran out." He told her, then went to pour gigi's cup.

"Dont be such a—"

"Oh maybe it just dident like you, do you want some?" He asked picking up belly's cup and dumping it onto her lap. Adelina shot up from her seat, due to how hot the tea was.

"Fuck you steven." She knocked the teapot out of his hands, cuasing it to spill down his legs.

"Fuck, holy shit thats hot!" He exclaimed, jumping. Both him and adelina rushed out of the room. "You little bitch." Steven said to her when they were out of the room.

"Your the little bitch, for one moment you cant be civil?" She asked, glaring.

"Really? Your the one who walked in and flipped me off!"

"So you pour burning hot tea on my lap?!"

"You dumped a whole pot of it on me!!"

"That was after you did it first!" She shot back.

"God Adelina you are such a child! i cant believe you."

"Oh please, your more of a child than I am!" Steven was trying to rub the stain out of his pants, "scrub a little harder, maybe you'll scrub off your attitude too."

"Really, you wanna try then?" He straightened up, holding the paper towel to her.

"Steven, we need you back in here!" Another waiter opened the door.

"On it!" He rusher back into the tea party. Adelina on the other hand, walked home, so she could change out of her soaked clothes.

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