Chapter 19

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It had been a year since Daemon and Rhaellanne's departure from court, and the couple could not have been happier. Their first child, Baelor, had been born a few months back and he was the very image of his father

Rhaellanne's pregnancy had been rather easy until she gave birth, but Daemon had stayed by her side during her labours and held her hand the whole time. They had tried to tell him to wait outisde, but Daemon threatened to feed the Maester to Caraxes if he tried to stop him, so they had given in, and not long after Baelor was in the world

He was not an overly fussy baby and was rather easy to get to sleep, and he was adorable. Daemon had sworn on the day he was born that this child would have his father's sword handling abilities and that one day he would be the greatest Knight in the realm

To prove just how much he wanted this, he continuously gifted his son small sticks or anything similar in the hope that the four month old would magically become a swordsman legend, and Rhaellanne often had to remind him to calm down

But the family of three were extremely happy with their new life, and they wished they could stay in their blissful, peaceful life forever

The initial letters they received from their family when they learned that the couple had left were mostly angry, but once they wrote back and explained that they no longer felt safe at the Red Keep, and that they were happy there, their family seemed to accept their choice

Dragonstone was heaven for Daemon and Rhaellanne, not just because of the escape from court, or the beauty of the island, or the space for the dragons, but because of their freedom within the castle

Back in the Red Keep they had been forced to hide their affection and love for too long, but now they had no one watching them or judging them anymore, and Daemon was determined to take advantage of it.

He and Rhaellanne had found themselves lost in their passion and love for each other far too often, and as the heads of the house there, they had the freedom to do it wherever they wished. On their very first night there, they had spent hours fucking in their bed, and since then they had branched out to explore the rest of the castle

Rhaellanne had found herself being fucked senseless by Daemon at all sorts of hours and in any place they wished, including their balcony, library, dining room, dragon pit, and drawing room. Their staff had taken to ignoring the usual sounds of them fucking, and of course they still whispered, but as long as the couple were happy it was fine

However, today the castle was a frenzy of other sounds and panic as they prepared for that evening's wedding between Rhaellanna and Daemon. They were going to have a simple traditional Targaryen wedding, but their staff still wanted to ensure that the gowns and headpieces were ready, and decorations put up in celebration

Rhaellanne had been dressed in her brown gown, which faded into red at the bottom of her skirt, and a dramatic headpiece was donned on her head, but she was too excited by the prospect of marrying Daemon to care

When she reached the altar, he was waiting there with a similar smile, and Rhaellanne felt butterflies fill her stomach. He took one of her hands, and then their septon began to speak

Their wedding was decidely small of course, with only Ser Roderick, the Septon, and Baelor present, along with all five of their dragons.

Rhaellanne was handed a piece of dragon glass and she used it to make a shallow cut on Daemon's lower lip and when a drop of blood appeared against his lips, she used her thumb to collect it and draw it onto his forehead. Daemon then took the dragon glass from her and repeated those actions onto Rhaellanne.

Next, they each cut their palms with the dragon glass and joined their bleeding hands together so that the priest could tie a ribbon of gold and red over them. He passed them a large cup, which was supposedly full of holy water, and they each had to take a sip, and then, in a moment they had been waiting for for years, they were pronounced husband and wife

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