Chapter 11

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The King had actually done as his daughters had asked for once, and had dismissed Otto as hand and replaced him with Lord Lyonel Strong, to the joy of both of them. However, neither could find any real joy in it. Rhaenyra was being forced into her marriage with Ser Leanor Velaryon faster than she would have liked, and Rhaellanne was lonely at court without Daemon

The only good knews that had given her hope was the knowledge that Lady Rhea had passed away in a hunting accident a few days ago, and while Rhaellanne did not believe that, she was slightly glad nonetheless

To try and pry them out of their boredom, Viserys had told them to join him on his trip to Driftmark so that he could agree this marriage in person with Rhaenys and Corlys. However, the King was known to get sea sick and the twins should not have been laughing, but watching their father stagger and be sick every two minutes was slightly amusing

They stood close to the stern of the ship and leaned against the banisters. Rhaellanne could see that Rhaenyra was nervous and she understood why, she too would be afraid if she was literally sailing head-first into a future she did not want

"Are you okay with this?" she finally asked

Rhaenrya nodded solemly and replied "It is my duty" 

Her sister frowned "I did not ask that," 

"As heir to the throne I have to marry to strengthen my claim and Laenor's house is well respected" she continued

"Look," sighed Rhaellanne, grabbing one of her sister's hands "If there is one thing that Daemon has taught me, it is that marriage should not be a duty. We should all have the ability to be with whomever we choose, and that person should be the person that makes us feel alive. I know that you have little choice as heir, but even if you are married, you cannot let that stop you from finding your happiness"

Rhaenyra looked surprised, and also slightly tearful, and she squeezed her twin's hand. "Thank you. I would just ask that you always stand by me through this because I do not think myself brave enough to do that"

The younger twin smiled, "I always will be there," 

"And I hope you too get your happiness one day" It was not lost on Rhaellanne how Rhaenyra used the word 'get' instead of 'find', for they both knew that Rhaellanne had found hers, but now it was a matter of timing and hope for the King's approval

"Thank you," nodded Rhaellanne "But to speak honestly, I am hoping that father's determination to see you wed Ser Laenor and have children soon will be a good distraction for him from the trouble I have caused"

Her sister laughed "I do not think children will be on the cards any time soon. And if I conceive any before I am ready, there is always a tea to fix it"

"A tea?" asked Rhaellanne "How do you know that?"

"Well..." Rhaenyra looked like she had just been slapped in the face. She was blushing furiously and she was stuttering over her words, clearly unprepared for such a question "I only mean to say-"

Rhaellanne gasped and slapped her own hand over her mouth, eyes wide. She glanced around to check that no one was within earshot before hissing at her sister: "Nyra. Have you-"

"Shhhh" whispered Rhaenyra fearfully "Look, you cannot tell a soul alright. But when Daemon came to visit, after I returned to the castle, I may have...done something I should not have done"

"With who?" hissed Rhaellanne

Rhaenyra looked incredibly embarrassed and she sighed, but eventually said: "Ser Criston Cole." By now Rhaellanne's jaw was pretty much on the floor, and she could not contain her laughter anymore, which made Rhaenyra flush nervously "What is so amusing about this?"

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