Chapter 12

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The grand dinner to begin the celebration of Rhaenyra and Laenor's upcoming wedding was a much looked forward to event, and Rhaellanne was actually looking forward to the event. She was wearing an off-the-shoulder, dark red silk dress which flowed down to her feet and was covered in a black mesh lace with flowers on and where her corset tightened around her waist was a tight black belt on the mesh. And with it she wore the necklace which Daemon had given her.

Her family were to be sit at the highest table in the throne room, with her sitting a place down from her sister so that Laenor could take the seat beside her when he arrived, and within minutes of opening the castle doors, the great families of Westeros had begun piling in

"It is with great pleasure that His Grace, King Viserys, announces the start of the royal wedding celebrations." said the Master of Revels, and the room broke into cheers from those who were already seated

This was dull part of the dinner, when each family was announced as they arrived, and would come up to pay their respects, but as Rhaellanne was not the one getting married, she was very bored

"House Lannister with their lord, Jason Lannister. Lord Paramount of the West, and Master of Casterly Rock."

"House Hightower with their lord, Hobert High tower. Beacon of the South, Defender of the Citadel, the Voice of Old town..."

Jason Lannister had reached the high table and Rhaenyra shot her sister a desperate look, which made Rhaellanne giggle

"Congratulations, Your Grace." he was saying "You have made a fine match for the Princess."

Rhaenyra nodded stiffly "Thank you, Lord Jason. I could think of no better man than Ser Laenor."

"Well, if this is only the welcome feast, I admit, I cannot imagine what you might have planned for the wedding." he smiled

King Viserys smiled "My daughter is the future queen. I wanted this to be a wedding for the histories."

"Where is the Queen?" he asked "I had hoped to pay my respects."

Viserys shrugged slightly "I understand the Queen is still readying herself for the celebrations." 

"This is why men wage war because women would never be ready for the battle in time." he chuckled, but neither Targaryen woman found it amusing and Rhaenyra sighed

Coldly, she replied, "Your presence is always such a pleasure, Lord Jason." 

"Princess, Your Grace." he nodded before leaving

Up next came Ser Gerold, who was the cousin of the late Lady Rhea, and this time Rhaellanne kept her gaze focused on her glass of wine for she knew that if Daemon had really been involved in her death, then she would be looked at too

"Your Grace, Princess Rhaellanne" he said stiffly "Princess Rhaenyra, congratulations are in order."

Nervously, Viserys said "We are very honoured to have you as a guest, Ser Gerold. I must say, I was most distressed to hear of the Lady Rhea's tragic passing. I'm very sorry for your loss."

"Lady Rhea was a unique character." he nodded "Her kind is not soon to be seen again."

"If there is anything the crown might do to aid House Royce..."

Ser Gerold looked like he was about to say something but the doors swung open again and the whole room fell silent as Ser Harrold announced the arrival of the groom and his family

"Lord Corlys of House Velaryon. Lord of the Tides, Master of Driftmark. And his lady wife, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen. And their son and heir, Ser Laenor Velaryon, the future king consort."

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