Chapter 9

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Rhaellanne had been reluctant to leave the dragons and return to court, but her father had demanded that she not be out too late, so Rhaellanne and Daemon had returned and upon reaching the Red Keep gates, they quickly dropped their still-intertwined hands and walked ahead, avoiding each other's gaze forcibly

The young girl had gone to have dinner with Rhaenyra soon after and then the pair each retired to their respective room, however, when Rhaellanne approached her bed, her gaze was caught by a bag resting on her coffee table

She looked around in confusion since no one else was in her room and Ser Roderick outside her door had not mentioned that anyone had been inside. So, with caution, Rhaellanne opened the bag and found that inside it were clothes. They were tattered and dirty, and stank worse than dragon, and Rhaellanne was confused until she spotted a folded piece of parchment amongst them

Rhaellanne unfolded the paper and found one sentence written in the middle of it, with familiar handwriting

Gūrogon se tunnel naejot se gaomagon walls. Nyke'll ūndegon ao konīr. [Take the tunnel to the Keep walls. I'll see you there.]

- D

Excitement bubbling inside her, Rhaellanne threw on the tattered shirt, cloak, and trousers before heading for the door to the tunnels at the back of her room. She knew these tunnels by heart and could quickly navigate her way through them and when she came out the other side, sure enough she found herself standing outside the walls of the Red Keep 

Standing there with a cloak too, and a grin, was Daemon

"What are we doing?" she hissed

"Firstly, waiting for Rhaenyra" he replied

"Rhaenyra? What is going on?" asked Rhaellanne

He smirked and then from anothe tunnel emerged her sister, also dressed in ragged clothing, and she also looked surprised to see them there "Where are we going?" her older sister asked

Daemon simply smiled and turned away and began to walk quickly, so the two younger girls began to hurry after him. He was leading them further away from the Red Keep, and deeper into the centre of King's Landing. 

The pair had never been allowed into King's Landing without supervision, and never at night, so both of them were amazed by what they saw around them. The townsfolk were dancing and singing in the middle of the streets. There were fire crackers going off every few second. Beggars leered out at them, promising magic tricks or performances in exchange for money. There were even people fucking in the back alleys and darker spots.

Daemon glanced behind him and grinned at the stunned expression on Rhaellanne's face. Even at the age of 19 she managed to be so cute still, and for a girl who thought she knew it all, she actually knew so little of the world outside

He continued to walk them through the crowded streets until they reached their destination: A play. The townsfolk often put these on, and more often than not, they were parodies or criticisms of the Targaryens

Rhaellanne and Rhaenyra sat down next to Daemon and grinned as one of the actors began to speak: "And now we come to the matter of the great Iron Chair...and whose bum it might bear." The crowd laughed, and a blonde actress sat herself down on the throne, clearly representing Rhaenyra "Our good King...names his daughter, a girl, his heir. But then to him, a babe is born." At the front, stood a brunette actress and from under her skirt, he pulled out a doll and opened its legs "A son! To which heir might the chair bear? Who will it be? The brother? The daughter? Or the little princeling of three? Rhaenyra... the Realm's Delight, a girl so young and so slight...loved by all of her people, but would she make a powerful queen, or would she be feeble?"

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