Chapter 24

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Six years had passed since Laena and Laenor Velaryon had passed away, and life on Dragonstone had continued much the same.

Daemon and Rhaellanne had been fortunately blessed with two more children, a young girl, Aelyria, and finally a boy, Rhaegar, both of whom had dragon eggs which had hatched when they were little and the babies were being cared for in the pits. They had not decided to have no more or anything, but for now they were content with their six children around them.

Baelor was now 15 and was growing to be the spitting image of his father, and his behaviour was proving similar too, given how many hours a day he spent wielding a sword. Lyanna had become quite a master with her bow and arrow, but she, like her mother, preferred dragon riding to any other activity so the two girls were often spied soaring over the bay. Eleana and Vaelon were now 9, and within the last year each had a dragon. Eleana's dragon, now named Drago, had grown significantly and as it was the child of Dreamfyre, it was growing quickly and she was now able to ride it with her family, and meanwhile Vaelon had bonded to Grey Ghost.

Then there was Rhaenyra and Bennard, and although the couple were not in love, they had become friends and did care for each other, and in the six years of their marriage, they had had another boy named Aegon, then one called Viserys, and had another baby on the way. Jacaerys and Lucerys meanwhile had become like brothers to Baelor, and the three were rarely seen apart, and now that their dragons were fully grown, they were riding them very often. Joffrey's dragon, Tyraxes, was also grown, but the young boy was not as keen on dragons as the rest of his siblings and cousins

Baela and Rhaena had also grown up a lot and were the spitting images of their late mother, and Rhaena was the only one of the grown children who still had no dragon to ride, although she claimed she preferred reading and music to flying

But now between them all, there rested 14 grown dragons, with four others still babies, and stories about the fearsome Targaryen family and their dragons on Dragonstone had spread across Westeros, and Alicent was furious becuase it made her and her children look weak with only three dragons at their side

The extended family of Targaryens had been thriving on Dragonstone, and after the incident on Driftmark between all the children, they had not seen Alicent nor her children since. Lyanna had a scar from her jaw to her cheek which would never fade, and often when Baelor was training with his sword he thought of Aemond Targaryen and swore that he would pay for damaging his sister

However, peace seemed to be holding between the Targaryens for now, at least until a letter arrived from Rhaena on Driftmark, where she was currently visiting her grandmother

Daemon, who had received the letter, hurried into the castle and to the Great Hall where Rhaenyra, Rhaellanne, Bennard, Jace, and Baelor were. The two boys were preparing themselves to take on their future roles as King of the Seven Kingdoms, and the King's future Hand and Ruler of Dragons, and so had been spending many hours in the room with their parents and tutors learning everything they had to 

"Riñar [Children]" he called as he descended the front steps "Henujagon īlva [Leave us]"

Jace and Baelor nodded and hurried out of the side door and Daemon passed Rhaenyra the note he had received. When she was done reading she clenched her jaw and turned to her family

"The Sea Snake has been hurt" she started with, "And Vaemond Velaryon is pledging to Rhaenys that he ought to inherit the Driftwood Throne should Corlys not make it, and in doing so he means to call into question Luke's legitimacy. And by extension Jace, and by extension my own claim to the throne. He is going to plead his case to my father"

"To Alicent, you mean" said Bennard

"Yes" said Daemon "My brother is too weak to do anything these days so she has taken over his rule and the moment my brother is dead, she and Otto will place the crown on Aegon's head"

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