Part 4 "Starting of the Truth"

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6th October,

"Amelia, do you remember I once told you to sing me a song sometime?" Asked Daniel while reading the book that was in his hands.

"Yeah, I remember, so what about it?" A curious Amelia wondered why the boy suddenly asked her about their conversation which was a long time ago.

"Can you sing me a song now?"

"My voice might sound hoarse,"

"Doesn't matter, I just want to hear you singing,"

"Uh, what song should I sing?"

"Whatever you wish."

"Okay then, I'll just sing a short part of a song,"

Amelia was quite nervous, she just hoped that he would like it.

"And every time we try, I keep losing my part of you,"

Hearing Amelia's sweet voice, Daniel closed his eyes feeling calm.

"Every time you close your eyes, Can you see the lights,"

The girl's heaven-like voice filled up the atmosphere.

"All the fireworks till we want more,"

"The fireworks light up the sky..."

Amelia slowly finished the part she was singing. Even though it was just a short part of a song, it was the nicest, fine, and dandy. Daniel opened his eyes and sat up straight.

"I'm impressed. You sound so good when you sing, you have a great voice, Amelia."

"I'm glad to hear that," Amelia laughed. She was a little embarrassed even though she did amazing.

"Are you blushing?" Asked Daniel in a teasing tone.

"No, I'm not!" Said Amelia and smacked the boy's arm lightly, making sure he doesn't get hurt.

Amelia was never prepared to face the truth.


Since then it has been a recurring habit to visit the tree every lunchtime.

For the next few days, Amelia and Daniel, both of them came to the tree at lunchtime. None of them missed. They used to meet up after 2 to 3 days because they had their work. After all, it's their school. However, They had gotten the closest within the shortest time.

Amelia's heart fluttered at everything the boy said and did. But did Daniel feel the same? Who knows.


10th October,

"Let's walk around the school ground," suggested Amelia.

"No, it's too noisy. I don't like it," said the boy.

"You never listen to me. Selfish." Said the girl while getting up.

The boy held the girl's arm who was leaving.

"Fine, I'm sorry. Let's go," He smiled at her, also getting up.

"But you might get in trouble because of me,"

"pfft. Why would I....what would you do, huh?" Said Amelia with a scoff.

"Well...forget it. Let's go~" Daniel said in a playful tone.

When they were walking around the school ground and chit-chatting, the other students gave them weird looks. Neither of them gave attention to it because they were so in love with each other. Even though none of them confessed.

However, a girl tapped Amelia's shoulders.

"Why are you talking to yourself?" Said the girl, giving her a weird expression.

"What do you mean? I'm talking to" She stopped her words when she looked to her side, where Daniel was. He wasn't there anymore. Where did he go?

"Uh, you should watch what you're doing, bye." The girl said and left while Amelia was confused and dumbfounded. She went back to the tree looking for Daniel, he wasn't there either.

After looking for a while, Amelia chose to go back to her classroom.


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