Part 6 "The Truth"

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27th October,

"Don't you guys think something is wrong?" Said Eva, worriedly.

"About what?" Asked Irene.

"Amelia, she has been acting weird lately," said Eva and looked at her friends.

"I only found her weird when we went to the back of the school, otherwise she is normal," said Natasha.

"You know what? I thought Amelia was pranking us when we went to the back of the school last time," said Irene.

"Yeah, same here, that's why I kind of played along with her," said Natasha and looked at Julie who started talking.

"I also thought she pranked us, and since we played along with her I thought she would stop doing that lame prank. But to my surprise, she didn't!"

"Yes, that's why I thought she was trying to work out her prank. That's why we later laughed it off. But in my opinion, she didn't look like she was acting or something." Said Eva.

"So you're telling us that it wasn't a prank?" asked Natasha.

"Also, when we told her to stop, she replied to us saying other things, which was so weird and strange. I guess we could find out if she was pranking us or not if the bell hadn't rung and we hadn't left." Said, Irene.

"Did you guys notice that she goes somewhere quite a lot at lunchtime?" Asked Julie.

"I thought she goes to the snack bar because we all know that she doesn't like the food the cafeteria serves!" Said, Natasha.

"I found out yesterday that she goes to the back of the school where that odd tree is at!" Said Eva.

"So you mean she goes there with that unreal Daniel???" 

Eva further told them, "I also found her talking to herself yesterday, when I asked her what she was doing alone, she became annoyed and said she was with that Daniel. I did some acting not to mess things up. We need to figure these things out, she's our friend."

Just then, Amelia came to them, "Hey, what's up? What're you guys talking about?"

The four of them became silent and they looked at each other.

"N-nothing," replied Irene.

"Join us," suggested Julie.

"Guys, I have some tea to spill," said Amelia.

"What is it?" Asked her bestie, Eva.

"I am dating Daniel..."

"Uh- oh really....?"

"What's with your reaction guys?" Asked Amelia being confused. She expected them to be surprised since she was never attracted to a guy before.

"Well, good for you," said Julie.

"Congrats I guess...."

They continued the conversation and did not let Amelia understand anything.

The truth is Daniel was never...real. Amelia just believed so. Only she could see him. No one else could. When she celebrated Daniel's birthday with her and his friends, Only she and her friends were real. Daniel and his friends were just an imagination of Amelia. That's what were her friends talking about. All these days, Amelia talked to someone who was only visible to her.

Seems like her first love was not going to work out.


28th October,


Eva already planned with the others what she was going to do.

"Hey, Amelia. We got a group project to do. Do you mind if we do that at your place? My parents are out for a while so I'm living with my aunt temporarily,"

Said Eva to Amelia who was eating quickly just to meet Daniel later on. Amelia looked up at her bestie, chewing her food.

"Sure I guess. Wanna do it today?" Suggested Amelia.

"It'd be great!" Eva said while smiling.

Eva, Irene, Natasha and Julie, four of them planned it. Since Eva had a group project with Amelia, they thought it'd be a good chance to notify Amelia's mom about it.

After finishing her lunch within 6-7 minutes, Amelia left the cafeteria in a hurry. To meet her boyfriend, Daniel.

When she reached him, she was panting a bit as she ran all the way to him.

"Hey, sit down and relax," said Daniel looking at Amelia.

"Yeah..." The girl sat down.

"Did you bring your phone?" Asked the boy.

"Yes, what about it?"

Daniel pulled a phone from his pocket.

"Oh my god! Did you buy one?!" Asked Amelia being shocked.

"Yup, only for you,"

"That's great! Give me your number."

They added each other on their phones. Amelia was happy now that she could talk to him all the time if she wanted to.

Now the question is, how come Daniel has a phone when he's not even real? Well, in reality, Amelia just saved the number "01000000090" and texted the number. Of course, nobody replied, probably because the number was not correct.


After school, Amelia went to her house with Eva to do that project.

While they were working on it, Eva excused herself to go the bathroom, leaving Amelia alone. She went to Amelia's mom quietly.

"Aunty, I need to tell you something. It's about Amelia." Said Eva, looking at the lady who was preparing snacks.

"Hm, what is it?" Amelia's mom looked at her.


"Go ahead. It's fine," said the lady with a smile.

"Actually, Amelia has been acting a bit weird these days. She always goes to the tree behind our school building and talks to herself. She told us that she talked with someone named Daniel. She even saw that guy's friends, which we didn't. She told us a day before that Daniel is now her boyfriend. The problem is, that guy is only visible to Amelia. Neither of us can see him. There might be some kind of mental problem with her, because of stress, anxiety, depression, or whatever. Please look into it, it can be something serious."

"Oh my, really? Are you sure she's not pulling a prank on you guys?" Said Amelia's mom panicking a bit, as she loved her daughter more than anything.

"We thought it might be like this at first, but it turned out that she's not," said Eva.

"Okay, I'll talk to Amelia and make sure to look into it."

"But don't tell her that I told you about this and I think you should ask her indirectly about this. One of my cousins had this kind of mental illness where he hallucinated and heard strange voices. Who knows if she has the same?"

"Eva, what are you doing there?" Said Amelia standing at the door.

"Oh nothing, I came back from the bathroom and was on my way, then uh..." Eva tried to explain.

"I told her to help me since she was already here," Amelia's mom covered it up for her.

Saying this Amelia's mom handed the tray of the snacks to Eva.

"Thanks, Eva," Amelia's mom smiled.

"You're welcome," Eva returned a smile.

"Come on, we need to finish the project," said Amelia being impatient.

"yeah yeah"

Before leaving with Amelia, Eva looked at Amelia's mom and whispered, "Make sure to contact an expert or a doctor."

Amelia's mom nodded.

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