Rusame uwu

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Back then, When Russia was being born, he was born in such a young age and when he yeeted his pacifier when he was 3 y/o he found borgurland with his pacifier in his mouth, they got into a fight and the winner gets the pacifier, "this is mine vodkaland" shouted by America "knorr seasoning cubes, it mineeeee" rossia argued back wanting his Dora the explorer themed pacifier back, in the end, germoney won the fight by stealing vodkaland and borgurland's pacifier and germoney killed them both by stabbing the Dora the explorer themed pacifier on them and ate their small intestines and made their skin into his new jacket made of human skin cool right?

Later Russya revived cuz he has a totem of undying, went to germeme's house, broke in the house, stole all his cookies, put coal into his socks and he accidentally stepped on the floor making it creak, beerland heard that and tried to stab vodkaland, then suddenly vodkaland found out he has a masochism kink and screamed "yass daddy germoney uwu" and moaned, ger is many replied with "ew I like pollination" and stabbed roosland making sure he took all of his totem of undying, later ssiarus and amecari respawned and swore that the both of them will get revenge at germarich

Fast forward to a few seconds later they have planned on how to get revenge, so the broke into his house again, but this time they float up in the air so the floor won't creak, they then approached the bedroom, went inside the room, saw getmonry fast asleep, then carried him to his basement and placed him at a wall with chains lifting him up in the air

Beerland has awoke and realized that he was not in his bedroom and is in his basement instead, he screamed then he heard footsteps getting louder with every step, he then saw 2 figures, one with an American flag and the taller one with the Russian flag, he was disappointed because he is probably gonna die on the hands of two 3 y/o kids then Russia pull out a pocket knife, took geramy's pants off, and slowly but painfully sliced his 102019810129829293822919 inch pp off, germaja is screaming in pain, the scream was so loud his glasses broke, the amecari then licked all the blood spewing out the open wound that used to be gaymany's pp, Lord Borgerlingaton II then slowly opened his stomach open using the Barbie themed pocket knife, pull out his intestines, ate the intestines, rip his head out slowly, and let rugssia ate his brain,

Fast forward to a few hours later

They both took a shower and then they make out on hermany's bed and they do the super sexy sex activity adults do and do it until they both died of exhaustion, they respawned in germoney's bed, they went home and sleep, such a wild story the 3 y/o kids can TOTALLY experience right?

Why did they suggested me to write this in wattpad

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