Myanmar and Vietnam finds the milk

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"We've been in this store for hours and there is still no milk" Myanmar sighed and goes to look for the milk "wait you were actually serious??" Canada, who heard the argument and followed them to the milk store asked "yes now get out of here Maple fucker" Myanmar replied coldly "holy shit myan where the hell do you get those names from" Vietnam asked "shut the fuck up Bitchnam" Myanmar said still looking for the milk

As Myanmar search through the halls he found a door with a sign saying "employees only" "I'm entering this" Myanmar said "please don't" Vietnam replied "it's a horrible Idea don't do it" the Canadian said but what they both said didn't pass Myanmar's thick skull and he opened the door "oh my fucking god why" Vietnam facepalmed and Canada left them because he didn't wanna deal with shit

Myanmar then held Vietnam's hand and forced him to enter the room but the door shut once they entered "Oh my fucking god you fucking idiot" Vietnam scolded and held the door handle twisting it but it didn't open "oh shit" Vietnam started opening it aggressively but it didn't work so now he is slamming himself on the door but it didn't even budge! "Haha we are trapped in here all because of you idiocy" Vietnam said "we are gonna die!" He continued "no we won't" Myanmar said and held Vietnam's hand again and leads him further into the hallways "holy shit it smell awful" Vietnam coughed "wow you finally realized your awful body odor" Myanmar then rolled his eyes "Sheesh who hurt you" Vietnam replied and finally they reached another door so they went in

"HOLY SHIT" Vietnam screamed and held his nose "What the..." Myanmar stared at the dead bodies on the ground, "who do you think did this?!" The wanted criminal asked still holding his nose "do you think I'm some sort of detective?" The country who keeps blocking all his feelings replied coldly "now let's go. I see another door over there" Myanmar pointed at a door covered in old blood and Vietnam sighed and went to the door opening it only to see a fuck ton of torture devices and also some pictures of someone with blood drawn on it with the shape of hearts "okay do you think this is a yandere?" Vietnam looked over to Myanmar "no shit it is" Myanmar replied taking one of the pictures and he widened his eyes "wait... This is a picture of Phil?!" Myanmar replied "man who the fuck is so down bad on Phil that they have to do this" Vietnam shakes his head and then went into another door on the left and opened it "hey wait up!" Myanmar sprinted to catch up to the Vietnamese

"Wait is this a bedroom??" "No shit it is" Vietnam then opened the lights to see a bit more clearly "the room's main colors are brown and white.. Is this a clue o-" before Vietnam gets to finish his sentence Myanmar cutted him off "no it isn't" Myanmar said "I feel like it is because like.. I know multiple people who like this style" Vietnam then placed his finger under his chin "ok lol now let's go to the door on the right" Myanmar then held Vietnam's hand and opened the door and they saw a kitchen and a living room?

"Ok who ever owns this place is rich" Vietnam said as he stared at the room in awe "the person is probably European due to the style so Japan is crossed out" Myanmar then fixed his glasses and went to the kitchen and saw baking materials and a note saying "Make Philippines cookies and gift them tommorow √" "wait Vietnam I think I know who this is... Judging by the handwriting and the events that happened just today..." Myanmar said "who" Vietnam patted Myanmar's shoulder "I think it's Poland" Myanmar said "About time you guys realize it" Poland entered the room but this time with a knife "what the hell are you guys doing in my house??" He continued "nice house bro" Vietnam said "ok now get out or I'll fucking stab this in your small intestine" Poland threatened "weirdly specific but okay" Myanmar said holding Vietnam's hand "Poland where is the exit?" Myanmar asked "oh it's by the hallway over there" Poland pointed at the hallway on the left "ok but why are you so down bad for Phil??" Vietnam asked "stfu" the traumatised country pulled out a middle finger on them and pushed them to the hallway

Myanmar sighed and opened the door at the end of the hallway and the door shuts again as they enter "I think Poland tricked us" Vietnam said "I know but what is that shiny thing over there?" Myanmar cleans his glasses with a tissue paper he somehow has and points on the glowing thing "Idk let's touch it" Vietnam approached the glowing item and realized it's a carton of milk and he takes it "okay we have milk now how do we get out?" Vietnam said holding the glowing milk "to the door on the right. Are you blind?" Myanmar holds his friend's hand and opens the door leading them back to the store

"That was wild" the Vietnamese sighed and walks back home with the milk on his hand, after a few minutes of walking they finally arrived back home (or used to be cuz you know) "hey guys! We're back with the milk!" Vietnam shouted "took you long enough" Brunei sighed as he puts bandages on Laos' arms


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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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