Vietnam robs 2 banks

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"Heya sing, ima go hang out with ame, he said we are gonna hang out at a pool byeee" Vietnam bid farewell to Singapore as he go out "does sir ASEAN know about this?" Singa asked "ye" Vietnam then left (ps ASEAN doesn't know about this and this happened just before the "ASEAN gets mad, instantly regrets it" chapter)

As Viet went to an alleyway near a bank he opened his bag and pulled a out a black outfit and a mask like he is gonna rob a bank or smth, he wore the clothes and make sure the mask is not able to show his flag flag properly, after that he exited the alleyway and entered the bank

"PUT YOUR HANDS UP IN THE AIR BITCHES THIS IS A ROBBERY!" Vietnam shouted while pulling out a gun causing everyone to be tense. As he walked by still holding the gun, he went to an employee and pointed the gun at her "give me the money or I'll fucking shoot you" Vietnam threatened and the employee immediately rushed, no not to get the money but to call the police

The police arrived catching Vietnam off guard "PUT YOUR HANDS UP IN THE AIR" FBI shouted "no" Vietnam shot the FBI, stole the money and immediately went to the alleyway but he is smart so he commit the mass oofing to everyone in the bank including the police, he took off his outfit and mask and wore his clothes he wore a few minutes ago, oh and he made sure to spray some vanilla scented perfume just incase someone brought a guard dog, then he went to another bank, luckily he had packed extra robbery clothes as he plans on stealing multiple banks

"PUT YOU HANDS U-" before Vietnam (he is now wearing the extra robbery clothes) could finish his sentence, EU threw a pocket knife just a few milimiters away from Vietnam's nonexistent left ear, "stfu I'm tryna read here" EU calmly said as he reads a book called "how to touch grass, tutorial for a discord moderator" hmmmm maybe EU is a discord moderator? I wonder how many e kittens he has? Maybe around 7..? "Uhhh okay..?" Vietnam robbed the bank quietly and just stabbed the people with the pocket knife EU throwed at him, he then returned the pocket knife, went into a clothing store

He then buys more robber clothes, a hoodie he can gift for a special someone (haha it's Phil), shoes cuz yes and oofs the employees and manager cuz he doesn't wanna pay and decided he wanted to go home, but first he went to a pool, removed his clothes now he is only wearing boxers, traumatized a kid by showing him his pp and telling him inappropriate things and jumped into the pool, got out in a few minutes, and finally wore his clothes. THEN he finally comes home

As he walked back home to with the money in his bag, he realized he saw something burning, he rushed back to the ASEAN building and there he sees ASEAN apologizing repeatedly while Phil cries "wtf happened here" Vietnam asked "idk anyways how is the hangout with America" Singapore asked "wait you hang out with America? I thought both of y'all are enemies? Also why didn't you told me?" ASEAN asked "wait what? I thought you knew?" Singapore asked now Vietnam is sweating bullets "uahaiaihsakshsja uhhhhhhhhh" Vietnam continued to sweat and decided to go to the store to buy milk using the money he robbed in the 2 banks

As he went to buy milk he saw Myanmar "oh hi why you here?" Myanmar asked "milk" Vietnam replied "ohhhh k same" Myanmar said "anyways wanna find the legendary milk together?" Myan asked "yesssssss" Vietnam agreed and went to find the legendary milk, what mysteries could they both discover and secrets unfold while finding the milk? Let's find out!

Myanmar and Vietnam has a super epic adventure in the grocery store, hmmmm might as well turn this into a series

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