Russia eats dog shit and dies

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"Heyi ruskiaiai" Ukraine greeted the dissapointment "heyeyeyeyye ukrain" Russia greeted the other dissapointment except this particular dissapointment is less disappointing that the Russian dissapointment "hwo is lief" ukrain asked "not good very" rukssa answered "ultra common massive L" the Ukrainian commented to his answer "anyways I has gift for u" ukran said pulling out a Spongebob themed gift "dis for me???" Bearland asked with wide eyes "yaasssss" Ukraine gave the gift to Russia, as Russia tried to gently tear the gift but he lazy so he rip the gift into shreds, but he smelled smth awful but didn't mind and continue ripping the cover but when he open the gift, it has shit in it with a note saying 'eat me' "Eat it Russia" Ukraine said with a dark evil smile "ok" Russia replied taking the shit and eats it

"Soo Ukraine how this happen??" Soviet asked "idk" ukran said "lolalalalkahsgsusisgsgalshgs" Belarus said random keysmash words "wow smartest thing you ever said" Kazakhstan replied "uhh excuse me sirs and uh... Ma'am" Mr. WHO disturbed the barely alive conversation "uhhh Russia is dead" Mr. WHO then expected for them to cry to the lost of another life but what happens next is shocking!

"Finally" Soviet sighed in relief "YEA THIS IS A CAUSE FOR A CELEBRATION!" Ukraine happily said hugging his tomboy-ish sister "yayayayayyayayayaya" Belarus happily said "gurl use real words" Kazakhstan tried talking to Belarus "no fuck you" Belarus said

Meanwhile in heaven

"Damn it so hot" Russia took a sip on his vodka "yea like it almost seems like hell" the guy who killed h!tler replied taking a sip of the vodka in front of him then he respawned

"Sup guys" Russia said waking up in his coffin "oh wait I'm burried alive let me just-" he cut himself off and teleported out of the coffin "oh wow air" Russia then teleported to the Russian family house "SUP GUYS I'M ALIVE KWWJJBSHWJAKAJAHAHSHSHSHS" Russia shouted "OH NO" Belarus dies from pain, Ukraine dies also from pain but he lived and Kazakhstan went to buy cereal and Soviet went to buy milk "why" ukrain ask "I fed you shit and you lived.. How?!?!?" Ukraine screamed at him "yes anyways gn" Russia said and stab him with this cool rock he found the end

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