Part 1

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!!!!! This story will have: intense violence, blood, gore, death, strong language, sexual content, depression. You've been warned.

Eren's POV

I lived in a beautiful town called „Sina". I was a son of a King and Queen. Even tho there were big problems with running the country, my life was perfect. I was happy, loved. The only thing I could see was how much my parents loved each other. It was that kind of love you want to find yourself.

But nothing lasts forever. One night, someone set our manor on fire. I woke up by screams.

„Eren!! Eren!! Wake up!"

I slowly opened my eyes as in blurry sight I saw my sister Mikasa crying. I sat up as I felt the heat. I looked at my sister in shock. She just took my hand and we both started running.

„Mikasa?! What's going on? Why-" I was cut off as I saw the raging flames burning more of our manor down every second. I pulled my hand away and started looking for my parents, calling them.

„Mama?! Papa?!" I screamed as loud as I could. I turned my head and saw something that doesn't get off my mind till today. My dad was covered in blood and my mother was holding him, crying. I ran to them.

„Mama, papa, let's get out of here!" I yelled, when my mother looked at me and smiled.

„It's okay, honey. Get out of here with Mikasa. I can't leave your father." As she was finishing her words, she slowly looked at my dying father.

„No! I'm not going to leave without you!" My vision started to blur from tears. My mother glared at me.

„Get out of here, Eren! NOW. Get out!"

I gasped at her words and stood there. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Suddenly, I heard a loud crack and looked up as I saw the second floor ground falling down. I quickly jumped away and fell on my back. The dust hit my face. I started coughing and slowly opened my eyes. My parents are now either in flames or crushed together. I screamed as loud as I could from all the pain I felt.

I slowly stood up and started to leave, when I saw a key that I never knew what it was from. But I took it and started to run out of the manor. The closer I was to the exit, the better I heard a voice calling me. I ran towards it through the open door and fell down on my knees panting. I looked up and saw Mikasa. I got up, grabbed her hand and ran out of the building.

We ran together nowhere.

After that night, everything has changed. Because the King and the Queen died and their son was missing, there was no one to rule Sina. As the time passed by, everyone has started to fight over the throne.

The war has started.

Everyone has gathered up in gangs and who wasn't in one, tried to survive alone. That's how it was for me and Mikasa. We had to sleep in abandoned houses, changing them every night.

While trying to survive, we met our old friend Armin.

The three of us have tried to survive from starving to death, or.... getting into the hands of a gang called „Titans". They were cruel. They didn't care if you were a child, an adult or an old man. They would kill you. They were brutal. They chopped people heads off, burned gang's property, raped woman. Everyone was scared of the Titans. Especially me, the kings son.

But I heard some rumors about me, that I died together with my parents. Nobody cared about Mikasa, because she was adopted. My parents never told me how she got into our family nor why and I never asked them either. It was none of my business anyways.

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