Part 16

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[A/n] If you want to you can skip this part. It's only telling how the 'war' started and how Mikasa was adopted.

Memories of Mikasa and Eren.

Eren POV

I left my room as I walked downstairs searching for my mother. I found her sewing something. I simply smiled and ran to her.

"Good morning mom!" I sat next to her. She looked at me and nodded smiling.

"Eren sweetheart. Your father today is bringing you with him to the city." She spoke.

"Ah! Finally, I thought he will never going to pick me up anywhere!" I crossed my arms.

"Eren, you know your father is a busy man. He can't always be with you..." She stroked my hair. I looked down.

"Well, I wish he wasn't the king and stay with us more!" I looked at my mother who smiled.

"Oh, Eren, you are so silly. Now go and wait for your father, he will be here soon." She smiled as I ran outside and saw car driving here. My father climbed out of the car.

"Father!" I shouted as I ran to him. He picked me up on his arms as I laughed.

"You are becoming more and more heavier!" He laughed. He put me down. "Go dress up, it's cold."

I did as he said. I put on my jacket and I was about to leave but mother stopped me.

"Eren, you left your scarf." I sighed annoyed. "You need it, it's cold, I don't want you to be sick." She kneeled down and wrapped big, warm scarf around me.

"Thanks, mom. I have to go!" I ran to the car.

We drove to the store as I picked some toys and father bought them, some books. We drove as someone called my father. I looked at him and listened what my father was saying.

"What? Who did that? But I can't. Sir, I understand, but my wife... Okay okay, I will. Yes sir, I will take her." My father glanced at me. Who is he talking to? "I'm on my way there."

I stared at my father confused as he told driver to go to the hospital.

"Um, father? If you don't mind me asking, who were you talking to and why are we going to the hospital?"

"Eren, it's difficult to talk about."

We walked towards the hospital as we went in. There were police men with a girl around my age. She had a long black hair and pale skin. My father and I walked over to her as my father talked with policemen. I heard some of the conversation. I heard words murder for royal blood, to sell the girl for a big cash-in. I felt rage fill my body. How can something like this happen in this world? My father walked over to her.

"Do you remember me, Mikasa? I'm your parents friend.." My father smiled.

"Yes... Mr. Jaeger" She whispered looking down. "But... What will happen to me now? I don't... Have home anymore."

My father looked at her worried. "Mikasa, you can live with us. You've experienced too much pain..."

I walked over to her and pulled off my scarf. I wrapped it around her. She stared at me surprised.

"What? Come on. Let's go home." I picked her hand and started walking with my father. "To our home." I looked back at her.

"Okay, let's go home..." A tears rolled down her cheeks.

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