Part 3

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Part 3

Eren’s POV
I slowly opened my eyes as they focused. I could see the roof of the car. I raised my head and looked around. I was handcuffed, so I couldn’t move at all. I closed my eyes and squeezed them.
“God, what just happened..?” I thought.
The car stopped and I quickly opened my eyes. I was laying at the back of the car. The door opened and someone dragged me out. It put me on it’s back and started walking.
I looked over to see who was caring me. It was a guy. He walked into a building. That smell… It smelled like blood, death, trash. I knew… This is the end for me.
He opened the cell door and dropped me in there and I grunted. He left and locked the door.
I got on my knees. My vision blurred from tears. I sobbed quietly as tears rolled down my cheeks. I couldn’t get rid of the memories of Thomas’s and Mina’s death. It was too cruel. It was sick. So sick… They are insane.
Suddenly the door opened and I looked up. It was the same guy. He was muscular, had short blonde hair and blue eyes.
I crawled back and bumped into the wall. My heartbeat got faster as I realised I’m barely breathing. He grabbed me and pulled closer to him. He stood right in front of me. He raised his arm as I squeezed my eyes.
I felt pain on my cheek. I opened my eyes and he punched me once more. And again… And again… I felt my nose start to bleed.
He picked me up and chained me to the wall. My arms were attached to the wall and my body was almost hanging.
I stared at the person. He punched me right in the stomach. I groaned. He did it a few more times. I coughed the blood out. He stared at me once more and left the cell.

It kept going like that for who knows how long. They didn’t give me food for days. I got a little bit of bread and water.
At some times I almost gave up, but they saw it and made it so I won’t. They were cruel. I’ve never felt so much pain in my head and I’ve never wanted to die this badly.
They tortured me. They loved doing it. To hit me with a whip. To almost starve me to death. I cried a lot. Out of pain. But after that much tears, I couldn’t even cry anymore. My eyes hurt and they would hurt even more if I cried. So I kept everything inside of me.
I’ve heard the screams of others, especially women. They were screaming to stop. To stop raping them. And it was so often that I got used to it.
I kept thinking about everything that happened. If I would have said that The Titans were near, everyone would be alright… But that’s not real. I’m just sitting in this god damn smelling cell. I wish I could die this second.

Today, they found a new way to torture me. They brought me to a bath. The person plunged me into a bath full of water and kept me underwater for as long as they could.
Of course, I didn’t have enough air and started to drown. They kept me underwater for one more moment and then pulled me out.
I coughed loudly, spitting the water out of my mouth. I opened my eyes and as always, I saw the same smile. The smile of seeing me being tortured.
They kept saying my name. ‘Eren Jaeger’. I hate it, because they know who I am. The King’s son. I hate it. I hate everything. Every god damn thing.
“Oi, Jaeger. Why won’t you say anything? C’mon, rage on. You little worthless piece of shit.” The man ordered me.
“Fuck you.” I whispered as a tear rolled down my cheek and I looked at him.
“That’s too far.” He answered as he punched and kicked me a few times.
Every inch of my body stung. I started to feel numb and I blacked out.

This was happening a lot. I would faint a lot. So they didn’t torture me so often. I have no idea how long has it been, but it felt like three years by now. But I know it’s false.
I laid on the ground without any energy, I couldn’t even raise my head up. I felt like giving up now. Right now. This minute.
The door opened as I kept laying, not even moving a little. The girl came in and stood in front of me.
“Haha. Do you know how long has it been?” She chuckled.
“No...” I whispered.
“About half a year. Isn’t this fun? We thought you’d die a lot sooner, but seems like we will play with you a little longer. Just wait a little more and we will kill you and make everything go away.” She chuckled again.
“Please… Stop... I can’t take this anymore…” I kept whispering. I didn’t have enough energy to even talk.
“Oh, come on. Don’t be so sad. We will end you soon.” She smiled under her mask and kicked me in a stomach a couple times.
I screamed out of pain. I couldn’t move. I could only scream or barely speak. I couldn’t even cry. Please… Dad, mom… Let me leave this shit hole.

They didn’t visit me for a long time. The guard who gave me food said it was about a week. I healed a little. But I knew they will torture me again and then just kill me.
I pulled a wood stick out of the door frame. Sharp enough to kill someone and small enough so no one could see it. I kept it behind my back when the guard, who feeds me, came in.
When he started leaving, I stabbed him in his neck with the stick.
I picked the keys and his mask. I also put his jacket and his shoes on. I threw his body in a corner and left the room. I walked out of this building right away.
I passed the gate nodding at guards, so they wouldn’t think I’m not one of them. All of this was easier than I thought it would be.
And then I walked. I walked for so long. When I was far enough, so no one could see me, I ran. I ran nowhere. I just ran, so I could be really far away from that hell.
I ran into the city and entered an abandoned house. It looked really horrible, but I just wanted to rest. I sat down and stared at the snowflakes, which slowly fell down out of the sky. I soon started closing my eyes, smiling.
Mom, dad... I will join you soon.

[A/n] sorry for not updating D:

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