Part 17

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Mikasa POV

It has been a week already. Levi woke up today but no one could enter the room, only Hanji and Erwin. I walked towards the infirmary, I don't care if I can't go there... I will. I barged in as Erwin, Hanji, Leader looked at me surprised.

"M-Mikasa! You know you can't go here!" Hanji started walking to me as I flinched my eyebrows.

"And why? I don't care" I walked to Levi's bed as Hanji tried to stop me.

"The fuck you want, Ackerman?" He looked at me with blank expression.

"When will you be able to walk?" I asked crossing my arms.

"I can right now. Why are you asking?" He stared at me as I started thinking about Eren, I looked away from him feeling tears in my eyes.

"Good to know..." I answered leaving the infirmary as I ran to the roof. I stood on edge again crying loudly gasping for air.

"M-Mikasa?" I heard a voice calling me as I looked over who it was.

"Armin? W-why are you here?" I asked wiping tears from my eyes.

"I know everything about Eren. I know that's why you are crying... Mikasa, we will save him." He walked over and hugged me. I hugged him back and cried. We can... Save him now.

"Armin, let's go!" I grabbed his arm and started going to the weapons room. "We will save him now!"

"M-Mikasa! We can't!" Armin said worried.

"Armin, we have to! I promised to Eren's mom to keep him alive even if I have to die, so that's what I'm doing!" I started picking guns and putting it in backpack as he stared at me shocked.

"Whaa-!" I heard Armin yell as I looked what happened as I saw Leader Levi holding Armin by back of his shirt. I flinched my eyebrows.

"What do you think you're doing?" He glared at me.

"I'm going to save Eren, because you are just lying in your bed doing nothing!" I yelled.

"You can't go there, you'll die instantly, and they are way stronger than you."

"Shut the fuck up! You could have saved him! You are the weak one! He may be dead by now!" I yelled, I looked away.

"I know that clear enough myself, so shut the fuck up. We will do it later, titans won't kill him yet... They will torture him probably for months till he dies..." He spoke. I looked at him and then Armin with weak eyes.

"Fine..." I took out guns and left room.

Third POV

Weeks were passing... Levi trained his people as fast and as strong as he could. All of their goal was to revenge titans and take Eren back. They kept planning a plan to save Eren. Hanji helped the most because she looked around the titan territory not being noticed and she knew all ways in and out.

Levi kept being in his room... Nobody knew what he was doing there for days but there were rumours that he just slept being lazy, that he was sad and depressed, he was just being lazy and all others. But the truth was he was being in his room preparing himself for attack titans. He was mourning over Eren too, he felt such guilt for not being able to protect him, but he was doing better.

Levi's POV

I took a shower as I wrapped a towel around my waist and left to my room. I went and opened my closet looking for what to wear.

"You take really short showers, haha!" I heard female voice as I gasped and looked back.

"What the fuck?" I looked angry at Hanji. "Get the fuck out of my room, shitty-glasses!" I yelled and pointed at the door.

"Levi" She made a sad face. "I wanted to check on you because you keep being in your room for days!"

"That's my shitty business, now get out"

"Okay, but when you'll dress up please come to the meeting room" She left room looking back at be serious.

"What the hell was that all about?" I whispered to myself turning back to my closet. I dressed up all black and went to meeting room.

"Sit down Levi and Erwin!" She pointed at couches. We sat down as I drank some water and I leaned against the couch.

"So, as you know today I was in town searching for supplies.." She sat down.

"And?" Erwin asked smirking.

"I found something really, really interesting" She looked down. She slowly looked up and stared at my eyes as I stared back at her. She rubbed her eyes.

"Come on, say it Hanji" Erwin laughed.

"Eren.." She stared at me as my eyes went wide but I hid it right away and flinched my eyebrows and glared at her.

"What about Eren?" I spoke slowly.

"I went to the clinic... I found his documents... Like there was a box with everything about him.."

Hanji POV (Memory when she was in town)

Iwalked in the city getting supplies as I saw old building. I saw with words'Shiganshina clinic". I climbed on top of a tree and went inside. I wentthrough corridors with full of papers and broken furniture. I sighed.Memories went inside of my head when I was a kid and wanted to be doctor... Iwent to rooms found some medicine and couple of weapons, went to the room whichkept all papers and documents about people. I searched for Levi's name but itwasn't there which surprised me because I found everyone's except of Levi's. Inoticed Eren's wasn't there neither. I stood up looking around and saw a shelfof big boxes and names on it and I found Eren's. When I opened it I saw a lotof papers there and documents there. I looked at the shelf. Why is Eren awayfrom everyone else? I looked at the names as there was Queens Documents too. Ipicked that box too putting it down next to Eren's. I saw 'Mikasa Ackerman' toowhich made me confused. Are these people who were important to the city orsomething?    

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