Part 5

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Third person POV

Levi got up from his bed after fucking one of his slaves. It was a girl. He put on his pants and left the room. Levi grunted as his head hurt.

"Tsk, I need medicine. It's never going to be over."

He started walking towards the infirmary. Hanji saw it and stopped Levi.

"Hey leader, whatcha' doing?" Hanji smiled stupidly.

"Tch, none of your business."

"Hehe, Levi, you can't go in there!" Hanji waved her hand around nervously.

"Fuck off, shitty glasses, move out of the way." Levi stepped forward as Hanji blocked his way.

"L-Levi! You can't-"

"Are you hiding something?" Levi raised one of his eyebrows.

Hanji laughed nervously. Levi let out a 'tsk' and passed Hanji. She grabbed Levi's hand and tried to stop him from entering the infirmary.

He pushed her away and walked in. Hanji quickly stood up and catched up with Levi as he opened the door.

They both walked in and Levi looked around. He saw a teenage boy sleeping in a bed. A drop of sweat rolled down Hanji's forehead. Levi slowly walked to the boy and leaned in to see him.

"So this is what you were hiding." Levi smirked, leaned back and looked at Hanji.

"I'm going to pack my stuff and leave..." Hanji looked down and started to leave. Levi stopped her by her shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going? You can't leave, you have to tell me who the hell he is." Levi stared at her with his sharp eyes. Hanji nodded.

Levi grabbed the medicine and they both went to his office. Levi dressed up and sat down.

"So.... Tell me about him." Levi started.

"Okay, so when I and Petra were looking for supplies, she came to me with this boy in her hands-"

"Petra too?" Levi asked raising his eyebrow. Hanji's eyes widen.

"Y-Yeah..." She answered.

"Guard!" Levi yelled and a guard entered the room. "Tell Petra to come here right now." Guard nodded and left.

Hanji sat in silence trembling, knowing what will happen.

Petra walked into the room. Levi pointed at the seat. She slowly sat down, looking at Hanji worried.

"Where did you find that boy, Petra?" Levi asked looking straight at her.

"What boy, sir?" Petra's voice shook.

"He found out, Petra..." Hanji interrupted, looking down.

"Hanji, I told you to hide Eren from everyone!" Petra raised her voice looking at Hanji angry.

Levi stood up.

"Both of you, tell me everything immediately. Don't waste my fucking time." Levi crossed his arms as Petra gulped.

"I found him in an abandoned house. He was cold and all covered in bruises. I and Hanji brought him here and started taking care of him. We told him that as soon as he heals, he will leave this place..." Levi listened to every word she said.

"Hm, he will stay here." Levi ordered and both of the girls' eyes widened.


Eren's POV

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