Part 7

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Eren's POV

I was doing push ups, I was pretty tired of all the hard work, but I wanted to be strong again. I kept doing them as I fell down on cold ground breathing heavily. I saw the door opening. Leader stepped in. My cheeks got slightly pink. I was only wearing shorts, my chest was naked. Levi stared at me, then he smirked.

"Later come to meeting room, I have to talk to you."

"O-Okay, sure." I answered and stood up. I left to the shower. I stripped myself and got in, when I finished I dressed up in new clothes and left to the meeting room. Leader was sitting on sofa, so I sat in front of him. Ha stared at me couple seconds and started talking.

"I want you to be my guard or assistant, whatever you wanna call it."

"Uhh, sure? So what will I have to do?"

"Help me, of course, idiot" Levi stood up.

"H-How? I asked.

"You'll see." Levi rolled his eyes and left.

Yeah, I always had to stay by his side, never walk away from him. We talked a lot about the outside world, sometimes we talked about each other. I learned that Levi doesn't really like woman who wants too much. Hell, I wish I knew him better, because I'm curious who he was before the war.

I was cleaning the floor when one of Levi's guards walked to me.

"Eren, Levi wants to see you, he looks pretty pissed." Guard finished talking and left smirking. I gulped and slowly started walking to his office. God, what did I forgot? Did I do something wrong? Oh god, what will happen now? Will he beat out the shit out of me again? Will he punish me? I hope for the best for now.

I knocked on door of his office but there was no answer. I gulped and opened the door slightly to peek. Room had no lights on, it was complete darkness. No one was in there. Where the hell is he? I searched all rooms, the only one was left his room. I gulped and knocked on the door. The door opened after couple moments.

"Eren? What took you so long?" Levi stepped aside opening door for me to walk in. I slowly entered the room as Levi closed the door behind me. I looked at him and bowed.

"Sir, what did you need me for?" I raised up staring at shorted male. I saw him smirk. My eyes widen as he started pushing me towards bed. "S-Sir?!"

He pushed me in his bed as I started getting up but then he crawled up on me. I blushed madly looking at his eyes. The only thing I could hear was my fast, loud heartbeat.

"You are so cute when you are blushing." Levi chuckled and stroked my hair.

"S-Sir what are you doing? This isn't right-"

"Shhh" Levi put his finger on my lower lip. He got closer and closer. Our lips were part of couple inches. I could feel his breath. I closed my eyes shut fearing what will happen next. I felt something soft touching my lips. My eyes immediately opened. Levi was kissing me. But why? He is gay? What's even going on here right now?!

He pulled away looking at me smirking. I breathed heavily.

"S-sir... What's going on?"

"Haha... You are such an idiot, brat. I will make you mine tonight." Levi whispered the last sentence.

Third POV

Levi pulled his and Eren's lips together again, he brought his hand across his leg as Eren gasped. Levi pulled his tongue in Eren's mouth. Eren didn't know what to do so Levi did all the job. Eren tried to do the same thing as Levi. It was really messy because of all the saliva. Levi pulled away and started kissing down Eren's neck as he shivered. Raven got up and pulled off his shirt. Eren stared at leader's naked body, he felt his body heat up. Shorter male started sucking teenager's neck as he moaned quietly. Levi smirked and started pulling Eren's shirt off. Eren didn't protest at all. He was laying down like a good dog. Levi liked it, he liked how innocent Eren was. Levi made some more marks on Eren's body.

"Your moans are very sexy, Eren" Levi whispered into Eren's ear as he blushed. Levi pulled away and started pulling of Eren's pants along with his trousers. Eren got up quickly covering his naked length. Levi grabbed brunet hands and slammed him to the bed. Eren looked away from Levi of embarrassment. Short male kissed brunet passionately touching his whole body. Levi pulled away putting his fingers in Eren's mouth.

"Suck" Levi ordered. Eren did as he said. After a while Levi pulled out his fingers all covered in Eren's saliva. He pressed Eren to the bed as he entered one finger into Eren as he whined loudly. Levi moved his fingers making Eren let out squeaks. Raven looked up at teenager, in his eyes corners tears started forming. Levi pecked him on cheek and pulled in second finger making Eren grab sheets of bed moaning out of pain. After third finger, Eren moaned loudly covering his mouth with his hand trying to control his loud moans. Levi pulled out fingers and kissed Eren passionately while removing his trousers. Raven slightly pushed his lips away and picked the condom and took it with his teeth staring at Eren who was blushing and breathing heavily.

"This will hurt at first." Levi talked opening condom and pulling it on his length. Eren squeezed his eyes and holded his breath. Levi entered all the way in as Eren injected his nails to Levi's back letting out loud whine.

Levi moved slowly as Eren covered his mouth embarrassed of his moans. Shorted male moved faster kissing and biting teenager's neck.

Soon they were both close to their climaxes.Eren pulled Levi to a kiss and scratched his back as they both hit orgasm. Levipulled out his length collapsing on Eren. They both breathed heavily as Erenfell asleep.

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