Part 19

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Third POV

Eren got on top of her and started punching her. He kept punching her as blood started pouring out of her nose and she coughed blood. He stood up kicking her in stomach. Levi looked up at Eren and watched his moves.

"I hope you burn in hell for hurting the ones I love." He picked a bat and started beating her with it.

"Tell me your true name..." Eren looked at her stopping for awhile.

"A-Annie Leonhardt" She raised a little bit and coughed blood.

Eren beat her with bat till she stopped moving and breathing. Levi stared at Eren as he turned around and he was all covered in her blood. Eren turned back to Annie and was about to beat her again but Erwin interrupted and grabbed the bat from him. Hanji ran in as everyone else picking everyone and getting back to their place. Levi looked at Eren as he slowly closed his eyes.

Levi had a hard operation as did Mikasa. After couple of weeks Levi was able to move where he wanted and everything, but Mikasa... She didn't wake up yet...

Eren's POV

I went to Mikasa's room and sat on edge of the bed. I stared at her and sighed.

"I hope you'll alright and wake up soon, I need to thank you for protecting me after all... I love you... You are the only family left and I really don't want to lose you..." I got up and kissed her forehead and placed sunflowers on table and left the room.

I left the room and started leaving to the other building and saw Hanji who smiled.

"Hello there, Eren! I see you are much better... Levi is waiting..." She pointed at the room as I walked to the door. I placed my hand on the knob and took a deep breath and went in knocking. He looked up at me and his eyes went a little bit wide. I smiled and walked over his bed as he sat up and we stared at each other awkwardly.

"Come here, you brat" Levi spoke as he pushed me on him and wrapped his hand around my neck tightly as I did around his waist.

I buried my face in his neck as we stayed like that for several minutes in silence. He pulled away and placed his palm on my cheek and smiled, and my heart just melted, seeing his smile made me happy and feel butterflies in my stomach again... I slowly placed my lips on his as he started to kiss me. I pulled away as we laid down together on the bed. We kept each other close and just been like that in silence.

"I know who you are..." Levi spoke looking at ceiling. I looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I sat up looking at him as he looked at me with his cold grey eyes.

"I know that you are Jaeger and your father was the king..." He looked away and sighed.

"H-how? Did Mikasa told you?!" I looked away from him too.

"No, Hanji found documents about you, Mikasa and your mother."

"I'm sorry..." I apologised sitting up.

"For what?" Levi sat up too.

"For lying... Because of me everyone was hurt and... Others even died... And I don't even know if Mikasa is going to make it..." My eyes weakened.

"There is no need to apologize. What happened, it's in the past. Move on Eren..." He whispered the last sentence into my air as I closed my eyes feeling him kissing my neck.

Words came into my mind that I thought long, long time ago... 'The only thing I could see was how much my parents loved each other. It was that kind of love you want to find yourself.'

I looked at Levi and stared at him... I have the love that I always wanted. He is the one who took my heart. He is the only one who loves me. He is perfect by everything..

Third Person POV

Ymir walked to Titans gang territory and everything was collapsed from bombing. She sighed and went to places and saw someone is still alive, it was Berthold... Ymir knelled down next to him.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Survey corps group... They attacked us and-and killed everyone.." He coughed blood.

"Was Christa with them?" Ymir asked standing up.

"Well I saw her for one second, who knows... Maybe she died" He smirked. Ymir looked at him blankly and pulled out her gun and pointed it towards his head.

"You are all sick..." She said as she shot him.

Ymir left looking around if someone is still alive. Everyone of them was dead which surprised Ymir, she never thought someone could kill them. She removed some rock from the door and went in. There were supplies room, which kept tons of food. She kicked out the door to outside and started putting stuff to the van. She put almost all stuff from the room and got in the car. She looked throough mirror and started driving towards survey corps district.

Eren's POV

Levi and I were cuddling together but then we heard screams like 'what are you doing here, get out'. Levi got out of bed and left room in hurry, I followed him to outside as everyone was standing outside.

"What the hell is going on?" Levi yelled going through the crowd, we both walked out of it and saw Ymir next to van with crossed arms.

"You... You betrayed us, why no one killed you?!" He raised his voice.

"I spied on them... And sorry about Eren, it was my fucking job but I have something to give you all..." Ymir was about to pull out something but Levi pointed gun at her. I gasped. Ymir pulled out her keys and raised her both hands in the air. "Chill, Leader. I have something in the van"

"Why should I believe you?" Levi furrowed hiseyebrows and tightened his grip on the gun.    

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