Round 5-Duck x Leah

50 2 0

Rank: I love it :D

Difficulty: Easy

Sexuality: (F x M)

Explanation: Let me just say that, I could care less for Leah marrying Donny and leaving Duck behind. Believe it or not, Duck was supposed to be in it with Leah for longer other than his childhood.

-I mean come on, he proposed to her when they were kids thinking she'd say yes and he wasn't thinking about how young they were at the time. All that just for Donny to steal his thunder?

-Steal his future? Are you kidding me right now? No I refuse to be okay with that. After all Duck has done for Leah, I feel like he deserves her more than anything. Or more-over, she doesn't deserve Duck. At all.

-I really cherished the connection they had when they were younger and they seemed to complete each other. The way I see it, Duck never forgot that relationship that he and Leah had. He carried that with him all up until his teenage years.

-He told that girl that he loved her and she foolishly said it back to him, thus giving the illusion that they would stay together forever. She basically lied to his face. I feel like Leah and Duck needed each other more than anything.

-There relationship is worth more than words. I will always ship them. Always. There we go case closed. I'm done here.

You passed round 5. Get ready for round 6.

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