ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙 : 𝔸 𝕡𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕗𝕦𝕝 𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕤

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Chapter one

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Chapter one


' Professor Eleazar Fig. I daresay he was a beloved professor to many of you. Certainly, a - long-standing colleague to his peers.
A famed adventurer and renowned seeker of knowledge, he built a reputation - charging into the unknown - brazenly disregarding both discretion and safety. Providing, perhaps, a rather unfortunate lesson for us all. '

In the Great Hall, sitting on one of the benches surrounding the Slytherin table, I listen with sadness to Headmaster Phineas Nigellus Black's "great speech". It is pathetic.

Professor Fig died saving my life, and that of all the residents of Hogwarts. He was a good person, ready to help anyone. He was fearless, and wanted to protect everyone. He was a talented wizard and a very good teacher. And that man is dead, by my fault.
After finally defeating Ranrok, I weakened. Professor Fig immediately came to my aid to protect the school from the destructive power that Isidora and the Guardians have always kept hidden under the school. But he put so much strength and energy into it that his body didn't follow.

I can still see him, inert lying on the ground under my eyes. Tears come to me as I think back to everything that has happened in the last 24 hours. I feel very small, all the students seated around me at the table look at me, some with pain and others with pride. It's suffocating. I even see Professor Weasley looking at me like I'm a little puffskein lost.

I don't need your pity !

I clench my fists and bite my lower lip in annoyance. I'm mad at myself for failing to save the man I thought of as a father, but also mad at the pitiful tribute Black tries to pay his former colleague.

The headmaster continued his speech as best he could, but he's only been sputtering for a while, it was becoming unbearable.

' His devotion to adventure was rivalled only by his dedication to Hogwarts - and, of course, to his wife, Mari -, Miriam ! Whom we lost much too soon as well. ' Said the headmaster while clearing his throat, a glass in his hand, making sure not to look at any of us.

I roll my eyes at this guy's incompetence. He inspires me only contempt, and I know that I am far from being the only one to feel that towards him.
Luckily, I notice Professor Weasley slowly approaching Headmaster Black, hoping to catch up on this chaotic speech. He leaves her the place behind the desk without hesitating.
The transfiguration teacher then speaks.

' Professor Fig represented the best of all of us. He could be deviously clever. Possessed a brilliantly inquisitive mind, and - was the most loyal of friends. '

I lower my head, not wanting the other students to notice the tears streaming down my cheeks. I see others doing the same, I hear sniffling and sobbing.

' But perhaps it was his remarkable courage for which we will all be forever indebted to him. If not for Professor Fig - '

I notice in her voice that Professor Weasley is fighting tears that sting her eyes and threaten to fall.

' Well, I can say with confidence that if not for him, many of us - let alone Hogwarts - would not be here today. Those that knew him best will agree that we must now honour him as only Hogwarts can - by wisely, resourcefully, justly, and bravely facing all that lies ahead. '

I look up and wipe my tears away with the back of my sleeve. Professor Weasley is right. We all need to be brave. I MUST be brave, more than ever. Professor Fig wouldn't like to see me so miserable. I have to pull myself together.

The transfiguration professor turns slightly to Black, letting him know she's done. The latter advances awkwardly, clears his throat again, then raises his glass.

' Ahem. To Professor Fig '

The other teachers stand up and stretch their arms high towards the sky, also holding a glass. Soon, all the Hogwarts students in the Great Hall are doing the same. But I am still unable to move. I have to get out of here, and fast.

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