Chapter 6

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[The next potion class a week after the bridge encounterment]

Draco: Today is the practical lesson of potion class. We need to brew the potion from last week. I can't remember anything from that class - at least nothing related to potions. Potta neither.

"should we start" I suggest unsettled. I still don't know how to act around him. He nods - avoiding me. I read the book's instructions out loud and he follows them carefully. We don't speak. But whenever his hands come closer to reach an ingredients I freeze for a second - especting him to touch me. 

He doesn't.

I haven't even realised what potion we're making. I just keep reading and watching him move around getting all giggly when he does something wrong and starts cursing. 


hehehe. cutie.

"What  u r laughing at, Malfoy? You wanna do it?" he looks at me angryly. But as soon as I return the look his face smoothes out. 

"I could" I grin and step closer to him taking a bottle. 

"uhhh" He rolls his eyes annoyed but stays. I lean over the pot brushing his chest with my upper arm. The black cat hairs fall into the mixture majestic. All I can think about is Potta's heart beat I can feel through my arm. It's unusal fast. Suppressing a smirke I search for the next ingredients.

"here" Potta holds out the bottle of castor oil. 

"thank you" I lean back and our faces line up. I'm a little taller which requires him to look up at me. I stare down. 

"You're welcome" He blushes and turns his head away but the rest of his body remains close to me. Still connected through my arm and his chest I reach for the bottle. When my fingertips touch his hands which are wrapped around the bottle we both startle. He's holding his breath.

Am I making him uncomfortabe?

"sorry" I mumble pulling my hand back. Potta presses the castor oil against my chest. 

"just take it" he whispers still not looking at me.

Suprised by his touch I wrap my fingers around the bottle. Then he slowly lets it go. His finger strike mine. I try to control my breath and heart beat since he can probably feel them but I fail miserably. Eventually I just soak in the moment enjoying  every second I can sense his body warmth.


Fuck you, Potta.

"Okay. You showed off. My turn again." He executes the next instruction and I step back breaking our contact. He takes the next bottle - the wrong one. "sto..." It's too late. The daisy dives into the pot. Potta who is leaning over it turns his head to look at me confused. "Wha..?" He doesn't come further because the mixeture is staring to bubble. 

It's gonna blow.

Quickly I grab Potta's tie pulling him away from the noisy chaos that splashes out of the pot. He trips falling onto me. I catch him and shield his head with my arms against the sparks flying now. My eyes are squeeze together. Our potion explodes with a huge boom and as I open my eyes I realise that most of the potion has splashed onto the teacher.


Ms Opliga's furious look pierces through our bodies.

"Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter" I notice Potta's bodyweigh in my arms - his arms are 




My heart jumps and I smile to myself. He seems to realise, too. Hastly he gets onto his own feet and takes a few steps away from me.

"That means detention  FOR BOTH OF YOU. And ofc 20 points from Slytherin and Gryffendore" The class groans. "Now clean that up" We nod and start. 

Harry:  I don't want to thing about what just happend. And for sure not how it made me feel


Why did I melt under his gaze?

Why didn't I step back?

Why is my head so hot?

Why did I long for touching him?

Why did he save me?


Why did I fell so safe in his arms? 


What's this tinggly feeling?


I scrub the floor when my eyes land on his hand - it's bleeding. 

"Malfoy" he flinchs. "Your hand" I point at the wound. "It's bleeding"

"Draco" Ms Opliga's voice sounds worried now. "Gosh. Go to the school nurse" He stands up. "Take Harry with you" she looks at me demandly. I nod not meeting his gaze.

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