Chapter 1

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Draco: It's over now - but all the chaos and the screams echo in my head. It doesn't matter how much I am trying to distract myself. I can't stop thinking about the shock in Potta's eye as I walked to the other side - their side - Voldemords side - not his side. He looked so angry, disappointed and broken. That face haunts me. Where ever I go, he is. My eyes wander over the towers of Hogwarts and get stuck on a window in which a couple is kissing - It's him & the Weasely girl. A shiver runs over my spine. My stomach tightens. Immediately I turn away and close my eyes just to see him on that day, again. I force my lunges to breath in and reach for my bag which I used as a pillow the last night. As I find it I press it on my face and scream.

Harry: A dull scream interrupts our odd kiss. I breathe out - relieved. And shake my head to get that confusing thoughts out of it.

Has Ginny always kissed that way? I remember it...better?

Ginny looks confused at me and smiles nervously. I give her a strained smile and step back. I am suprised how uncomfortable I feel right now - how uncomfortable I feel with her.

"I..I have to go to...ummh...Hermione...yea...she has me with stuff...sorry.....see you!"

I ditch her in my room and as soon as I closed the door I regret what I said.

"school stuff"? OMGosh! We just won a war. NOBODY does "school stuff".

I slap my hand on my forehead. She never belived me that ridiculous lie. I take a big breath trying to calm down a little.

What is happening? Why was it so awkward between us? Shouldn't it be easier now that we don't have to hide anymore? It's absoutly not. How am I supposed to be happy when so many people lost their lifes?

A numbness wrappes around my body.

When I lost so many people? How do I deal with the people who were left behind? With former death eaters.....especially with that specific one that won't leave my mind. Something about him mesmerizes me. He 's supposed to have vanished during the war - not even his family knows where he is.

Draco: After a while I open my eyes again - they are gone. I pick up my wand and regenerate the spell used to make my little sleep place invisible. Actually, I don't even need it. Since war, the magical creature of the forbidden forest are vicious. Noone with a little bit of a brain comes here voluntary. My mouth whispers the spell anyway.


I don't want to be seen. Not by Death Eaters or other wizards who would bring me to Azkaban - where I belong.

I turned my back on them, infront of their eyes. Nobody would be so stupid to trust me again. I don't even know if I can be trusted. Am I a death eater? The tattoo on my left forearm says so. I'm a traitor to EVERYONE - including Voldemord, my parents and myself. My family. Tightness in my belly. Has my father already decide to throw me out as soon as I come back? Will I go back? I know my mam is missing me. I would never say it out loud but foolishly, I blame them for everything. I know it's not their faul. I did that shit all by myself but I can't stop hoping that without them I wouldn't have. That I would have been a better person. Someone who fought bravely instead of following orders out of fear. Someone who would die for the good cause. Someone like him.

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