Chapter 15

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Potter:  Shaking I stand infront of his door. I've been like this for long. My mind is a rollercoaster. If his room was in a more crowded corridor, people would start to stare. My bag lays on the ground. I pierce it with my gaze. Then I step to the door picking my bag.

"Draco?" It's a whisper. Louder: "Draco?" I clear my throat and knock on the door. "Please." Begging I continue. "Open up."

Is he in there?

"Are you..." fine? okay? alive? "there?" Silence.I persist in my position.


He won't open. I lean my back against the door and slide down. Uncertain I'm biting my nails. I want to change this situation right now.

I WILL. I will try it at least.

I jump up and rest my forhead on the door for a few seconds.

One last heavy breath. Then I turn and run down the hallway.

Malfoy:  I barely register my wounds pounding. All I do is staring into the abysse of my room.  My mind is silent. Or maybe my thoughts have been too loud for too long and my brain decided to block them out. Making me realize only now how unfamiliar it actually is.

I snap out of my trance and turn my body to the right taking another white wall into focus. My fingers find dampness on my face.

Is it blood or tears? Does it matter?

I can't find a reply. I can't feel anything. I'm just staring waiting for this to pass or for something that will pull me out of the tunnel. I hear sobs but need moments to understand my mouth is forming them.

I feel so disconnected. from the pain. from the blanket. from the mattress. from the room. from reality.

After 3 hours of infinit turning in bed, the numbness has left me - or my arm at least - and the pain powers my bodys movements. Aching I sit up - nearly falling over. Dizzy I put my hands in the mattress stabalizing my torso. I don't know why everything is so blurred. Maybe because I sat up too fast, maybe because I skipped lunch & dinner, maybe the pain is worse that it feels.

I don't care.

When I feel stable enough, I lean down reaching for my first aid kid under the bed. Shivering I clean my face and arm. Bandaging my wound. I pierce a painkiller with my gaze, but leave it.

The pain keeps my mind clearer.

Staggering I fall back onto the mattress. I force myself to inhale blinking at the ceiling. My thoughts are untangling. For the first time this afternoon I scan my room. Books, a lamp & clothes are lying on the ground. - I must have knocked them over when I stumbled in and out of the room. It's already dim in here.

What time is it?

I banish the thought. A cold wind blows through my room stroking my skin. My hands pull the blanket over my body wrapping myself in numbness again. As the silence settles in, my thoughts speak up leading my mind into a labyrinth of bewilderment.

Harry Potter.

I hear my heart shatters by the thought of his name. My jaw tightens.

Traitor. Traitor. Traitor. He betrayed me. He deceived my heart.

He deceived my skin, my mouth, my hands.

Out of discomfort, I jump up. Hurrying around I shake my hands. My mind replays memories.

"His jaw dops making me funny inside. He gets on his tiptoes bringing his face up. The closer we get the weaker my knees feel. I am starring at his stunning face."

I violently shake my head.

No. No. Get out.

I slap my hands against my ears.

"Harrys grab around my waist tightens making my heart skip a beat. I can't suppress the smile on my lips. Every touch electrifies me. I try not to move. I don't want to scare him away."

"STOP." I hold on.

""I'm sorry." I crawl back to the wall. "I...I saw you wanted to make the infinita amor and I....I was concerned it could be used to manipulated people. I saw met people in the middle of the night on that bridge." Harry looks to the ground ashamed."

I break down on the floor crying out loud. My hands press against my chest.

"Then Harry pulls me in. I look up again. He smiles at me pleased and puts his second hand on my neck, too. I can feel his body warmth. Putting my hands onto his legs I pull him onto my lab.I close my eyes and our lips meet."

My breath quickens. I make a fist banging it on the ground.

"Harry's hands run through my hair. I sit up to be colser to him and my hands pull his waist in. My stomach is filled with butterflies."

Now anger boils up in my stomach.

fuck him. fuck him. fuck him. He's a traitor. I don't need him. I don't want him.


I close my eyes focusing on the pain. It drowns my thoughts out. Blind I stand up closing my window.


Was I too loud?

I open my eyes and step to the door. My hand rests on the doorknock.

The footsteps vanish slowly. I put pressure on my hands and pull the door open. The corridore is empty. On my doorstep lays a package.


I reach down and take it with me.


In it is todays meal and a note.

"I'm truly sorry. -HP"

It's from him.

Aware of my bleeding heart I sigh. My whole body aches. The delicious smell rises in my nose. I bite my lip. The fork lies familiar in my hand. Careful I chauffeur it to my mouth. The warm feast slides down my through and makes me realize how hungry my body actually is. My face is swept by slow tears.

Why did you do it, Potter?

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