Chapter 17

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Potter: I spot the white ferret in my window frame. An idea pops up in my head. I pick up my pencil and start writing.

"Dear Draco,

There are no words in any language that can express how sorry I am. I can truly understand why you don't want to talk. You don't need to read this or answer me. I don't exspect you to. I just want to explain - not excuse - me because I don't hate you. I do like you a lot and I trust & belive you. You have been in my head since you changed sides last year and when I first saw you in the Great Hall I was so confused with me & my feelings. I didn't know why I helped you or why I cared so much. I couldn't let myself realise that I like you because I thought you were a Death Eater & someone who would hurt my loved ones. (I know you're not.) I was ashamed and indenial. So when I saw you making the love potion I tried to gaslight myself into thinking you were a bad person so that I could force myself to stop feeling that. BUT the more I got to know you the more I noticed that you are fucking awesome. I got to know you - the real you, the kind, thoughtful, soft, amazing you. The you that could never hurt anyone. The you that crys in the hallway. The you that comforted me & actually cared for me. Just as much as I care for you. I stopped beliving you ever were a Death Eater. I never should have. I should have never judged you. I should have talked to you. The last days with you made me insainly happy. You make me happy. I have wished to make you happy like that, too. I never wanted to hurt you. Yet I did. I'm sorry. I respect any decision you make related to us. Whatever we were. I hope I wasn't overinterpreting and there really was something between us. For me it was. I'm sorry. I adore you. I like you. I miss you. I want to make it up. I want to make you feel better if I ever get the privilage to do so.

Love Harry"

With trembling fingers I hand the letter to the ferret. Taking it the ferret leaves through my window.

Too late for regets now.

Malfoy: Flaky is back. My fave buddy has formed a habit of going for walks in the early moring. Only today is different - a note is brought too. I recognize the handwriting immediately.

It's his.

My body starts trembling as I opened the letter. As my eyes wanders over the letters, my face gets wet with tears.

fuck him. why is he being so respectful? so thoughtful? so hard to hate? and so easy to like?

I shake my head.

What if he's lying?

For what? Why should he want to make it up if he doesn't care?

Maybe, just maybe he does care.

I have nothing he could want - nothing except myself...

Before I realize it I write:

"How was your day?"

I cling to that little spark of hope and Flaky disappears with it. Ruminating I fall back onto my bed. I snuggle into my planket.

Potter: "How was your day?"

Never have I ever been so happy because I was asked how my day was. He is talking to me.


My face lights up smiling. A happy tear rolls down my face.

"Good. I mean it would have been better if I could see you, but school was fine. We got an A for our partner work, by the way. Ms Opliga complimented your practical work. You have talent for brewing. Ah, and teacher are getting worried about you. I told them you are sick - your cover. After - you know - this period of time they get suspicious. Oh, do you like the ferret? Do you have decided on a name? Do you wanna keep the ferret? I hope you liked the suprised. I was kinda nervous if it's not too much. Have you eaten? Did you like the breakfast? Have you sleeped? How was your day? Sorry if I'm asking to much."

The ferret leaves. I sit on my bed with ants in my pants.

Malfoy: Blushing. "Uuui nice. We did put a lot of work into it. I LOVE Flaky - the ferret. I did eat and it was super delicous. Thank you for acting as my deliverymen. Hehe :) My sleep is so mähh but better since Flaky is here. I don't like sleeping alone. How did you sleep? My day was okay. I'm still kinda down."  The mood is ruined.
I shouldn't have mentioned my emotions...
Flaky leaves.
too late.
After 10mins another letter lays infront of me. Biting my lip I open it. 

"No problem. I don't want you to starve. :) My sleep was okay. I'm also not used to sleeping without anyone around - I haven't sleep alone for 2 years. What was your fave meal of the last days? Is Flaky eating? Nice name decision by the way. I'd be a great nickname for you too. hehe. I'll bring todays meal in 20mins - when I'm done eating."

"DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME FLAKY! hehe. like no - ANTHING else. My fave was last days dinner - rice with vegetables. Flaky is eating so well - better than me even. ähmm Could I ask you a favor? I don't want to sound ungratful but I'm vegan. I loved your vegetarian meal decisions. They just weren't vegan. Are you vegetarian? Oh and buon appetito to you." 

After 10min of nervous I bite my nails:


It's him.

I'm listening. 

Is he leaving again?

His footsteps echo on my walls until...

He's gone. 


I freeze.

No? I wanted him to stay?

Shaking my head I bring the package inside. It's vegan and includes a letter. I eat with relish.

"Oh. Ofc. No problem. I didn't know you're vegan. SO jelouse. I've been trying to go vegan since last year but I struggle a lot. You NEED to help me:) I need to go to class now. Have a good day."

You too.

A soft smile warmth my room after countless hours of ice desert.

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