Just breathe Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 ~ Macey

Last night would be night I would never forget. I think it’s the last night we would have at the beach house, well with grandmother there.

Last night, everybody ate supper at different times and different places, I however ate it at the dinner table, alone.

Until grandmother came to join me.

“Hello darling.” She said in her soft tone , she pulled a chair right next to me.

“Hi,” I said as I was gulping down my food. It was silent for a few minutes, then grandmother had the guts to speak.

“How are things with you?” She asked as she finished swallowing.

“Uh, complicated.” I told her, I didn’t lie, it was the truth. With the Jake and Alex situation and now Sarah and Jeremy problem, now grandmother being sick…

“Really, how? I’m guessing in the romance department?” She asked. I nodded silently.

“Well aren’t you going to tell me what’s wrong?” I thought about what to start with, maybe with Jake…Or Alex.

“Well,” I started. “it’s a long story..” Truthfully I didn’t know where to begin.

“I have time, unless you don’t feel comfortable talking about this..” Grandmother trailed off.

I gave in. “Well the thing is, I’m in love with two guys.”

“Really?” She asked as her eyes grew big, I can’t blame her, I bet this is the only ‘ interesting’ thing that she’s heard about except her soap opera shows.

“Yes. And I, I find it hard to make a choice…well not like a choice but who do I want to be with…”

“Macey, darling, I know exactly what your going through… I was once in the situation that you were in…and it may sound cliché to say such a thing, but it helped me. Just listen to your heart. Who is the one that you want, once you ask yourself that question your answer should come out truthfully, without hesitation.” She added a warm smile.

At first I did not believe her, on all the movies and Disney TV shows, they always ‘ listen to their heart’ like its that simple. I just nodded. I excused my self and went to my room.

It might have only been eight o’clock but I was too tired to do anything else, I took this time to ask myself, who do I want the most, who do I want to hold my hand? Who do I want to be mine?

And just like grandmother said, it came to me so suddenly, I knew who it was, I knew automatically.


When I woke up the this morning, I had no idea what I was going to get my self into. But I did have a mission, and that was to leave the beach house and drive back home to find that one.


The thing that made me second guess my decision was my date with Alex. It was the night before we drove up to Florida, I had completely forgot our date we set before our parent made the decision to bring us to Florida. It was ten o’clock , I was watching TV in my room and that’s when I heard little ticks at my window.

I ignored it at first, but then they became louder and louder. I got out of bed and looked out the window, I saw a shadowy figure standing in the tree’s. But then he came closer and I saw Alex’s face, it made my heart skip a beat. A huge smile came across my face, I gave him the one-minute gesture.

I tip toed my way down the stairs, being as quiet as I could, the front door was old and would make a noise, so I took the back door, which was a sliding door.

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