Just breathe Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 ~ Sarah

I was still in shock from the test.

This has to be a dream or some movie. This can’t be happening to me.

I could hear someone step in the washroom.

“Sarah?” Macey called. I held in my breath she can not see me like this. What is Jake and Jeremy were here with her, I can’t face them all at once. “ Is anyone in here?” she asked panicked. I looked from the gap of the floor to the door of the stall and I saw Macey's shoes. My heart pounded hard and fast. She keep going to stall to stall to look for me, if she found me what would I say? How would I react? Just as she put her hand on the door, she ran out.

After a few moments of silence, I opened the door quietly, maybe she gave up an left. “Jake! Get off of him now!" Macey screamed.

Wait Jake in a fight? How could this be, Jake wouldn’t even hurt a fly…Jeremy! I ran out of the stall, I didn’t even think about what I was doing, I just did.

It might be stupid but I brought the test ... I don't know why I brought maybe it was to protect me or to show people proof. I just knew I needed to bring it.

I didn’t see anything, just empty picnic tables and garbage lying around. But then I heard a soft chant or scream’s of people. I started to follow the noise which got louder and louder. I saw Jeremy on the sand and Jake punching him with Macey crying and I realized what I did ... I'm not proud of what I did.

I scanned the scene in front of me, there were a couple dozen of people watching this fight go down, Why am I standing here doing nothing? I quickly ran over to Macey giving her a hug and apologized in her ear as many times as I could, Once she saw me she hugged me tighter.

Suddenly the chants stop, everyone was quiet. I looked at the people who were starring at me.

"Sarah?" Jake said in a whisper. They stopped fighting with their face in shock Jeremy came over to me and started wiping the blood off of his mouth.

"Babe where have you been?"Jeremy asked as he put his arm around my waist, I wiggled out of his arm quickly, I felt sick.

"First of all I'm not your-" I started.

"Excuse me, she isn't your "babe" "Jake completed my sentence.

I stepped forward to Jake I reached out for his arm I had to take him away somewhere. I grabbed his hand and he followed me right until we hit the beach with not a single soul insight. I looked at him , all I saw was fear, worry and most of all hurt.

I told Jake everything from me grounded to the party to Jeremy, I went to reach out to him but he pulled away, I started to crying, I felt the sting of the tears as they slid down my face. I knew he felt betrayed ... I wouldn't blame him. He noticed what I had in my fist, I had my hand covering my secret. But then I opened my palm and I showed him. I let my secret out. He backed away more. More Silence came between us.

"Why? ... Why would you do this to me?"

"Jake, I know I messed up-."

"Messed up? You screwed this up! You slept with my brother? And now he is the father of your child?” Jake yelled violently. My tears came quicker and quicker, making my vision a blur.

"I know Jake... I still love you." I said in a whisper.

“What a great way to show someone you love them Sarah! Jesus.” Jake ran his finger through his hair. He couldn’t stand to look at me, then he started to walk away. I didn't trust him alone so I followed him.

He walked to where Macey was cleaning the blood of Jeremy , It was on a picnic table right in front of the bathrooms. The crowd of people left leaving us four alone. Jake walked right up to Jeremy punched him one more time , no shock on Jeremy's face; I think he knew it was coming.

Jake didn’t even turn back he just keep walking.

“Jake!” I called after him, he stopped and turned around.

“Can’t you see you’ve done enough? Leave me alone Sarah.” Jake raged. I backed away slowly. I didn’t go back with Jeremy and Macey, I didn’t go after Jake. I stood right where I was and watched the ocean crash against the sand.

The funny thing with falling in love is people expect it to almost happen instantly. Like you fall into a fluffy cloud and nothing can break it or nothing can stop it. But once you hit something so many times; it has to fall apart.

Jeremy and Macey walked up to me shortly, Jeremy didn’t say anything he held a most towel to his jaw and keep walking to the parking lot. Macey stopped and rubbed her hand on my back.

“You have to face them sometime.” She told me, I nodded and followed them.

I took an early bus to get here, so I had no ride home. Macey told me Jake and her got a ride with Jeremy so he would drive us all home. I nodded quietly without saying another word.


We got home in an hour or so, with my mom looking out the bay window she ran to the door and opened with open arms my dad quickly followed. I ran up to them with a hug but I quickly pulled away and went inside going up to the stairs that led me to my room.

I thought maybe, just maybe if I keep myself away from everyone else things would have been easier for them. Not harder.

I could hear my mom and dad and Macey arguing about what I have done or did. I immediately called Hannah. She was truly my best friend so was Jordan and Samantha.

"Why would you sleep with that manwhore?" Jordan yelled, I knew she would say that. “I thought you were dating Jake?!” She yelled again. I shivered at her rising voice.

"Calm down Jordan! We will figure something out,” Samantha cut in. I heard a fumble with the phone, like it fell to the ground. "Stop!” someone yelled. I figured it was Hannah, “I'll put it on speaker phone. Now don't get your panties in a bunch!" They said their comments or suggestions, Jordan was saying I was stupid, Hannah was blaming herself not keeping a good eye on me and Samantha was talking about girl names. But I really wasn’t listening to them.

Hannah came up closer to the phone, “Don’t worry Sarah!” She started in a peppy voice. “I have a plan.”

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