
903 7 0

Warnings; swearing
Captain dad fluff

Henry and ray were talking in the man Cave about Brad showing up at his school when they turned around and saw a floating pipe

"Hey, What is that?"

"I don't know, looks like a steel pipe, but why would it... "

Henry gasped


the pipe flew directly at Henry's shin

Henry cried


"Quit your job!"

Ray gaped at the general area that Brad was in


"oh why?! WHY? WHY?!?!"

Ray rubbed his hands up and down Henry's shoulder in attempt to comfort him

"Alright kid, let's get you off the floor"

"I don't- I don't think I'll be able to- to stand"

"Alright... Are you okay to let me lift you up?"

"Yeah that-that sounds fine"


Ray placed one arm behind Henry's backs and the other under his knees

Henry nodded

"Alright 3 2-"
Ray lifted Henry quickly
Henry yelped in pain but other than that he was fine
No additional pain

"Alright, to the couch?"

Henry nodded again

Ray placed him on the couch 5 seconds later
Then he noticed that on instinct Henry had clutched Rays shirt in his hands

"Hey bud I need you to let go for a minute so I can get you an ice pack" Ray explained calmly and gently

Henry hesitantly let go and relaxed into the round couch

While Ray went over and got an ice pack, occasional whimpers of pain could be heard from the 13 year old

What the fuck does Brad have against Henry?!
Ray couldn't help but think

Finally he got the ice pack and went back over to Henry and gently placed it on his leg

Henry winced at the sudden pressure but otherwise stayed relaxed

"Why does Brad hate me so much.."
Henry's question almost not being heard

Ray had to strain to hear him
But sighed when he realized what was asked

"Honestly? I don't know kid"
Ray responded while moving to sit next to Henry

"He's worse than the criminals we fight" Henry tried to laugh but accidentally jolted his leg in the process and yelled in surprise and slowly fading pain

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