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Warnings; swearing, blood, stabbing

quick A/N: sorry for the slow updates, my sisters birthday is in 2 weeks so I'm making her some presents


Henry and Ray were fighting some random bad guys, who were trying to rob a bank (classic IK)

"You know, robbing isn't a great way to spend your Wednesday afternoon" Henry quipped sarcastically

The guy he was fighting simply punched the kid in response

"Hey!" Henry Exclaimed "that wasn't nice!"

Ray snickered at kid dangers remarks before focusing on his own guy

"Don't you have somewhere else to disappoint your Mom?" Ray asked sarcastically

"Don't you talk about my Mother!!" He yelled in anger

"Hey Captain" Henry caught his attention for a moment "I think you pissed him off"

"Gee thanks kid, I didn't notice" Ray rolled his eyes

Henry smirked at his annoyed face

"I know!" Henry threw a kick at his guy "that's why I told you"

"Can you guys shut the fuck up?!" Rays guy asked in a 'I will kill you if you keep talking' voice

"Nah, I don't think we will" the king of sarcasm replied still smirking as he punched his guy in the Jaw

"Alright kid" Ray had half of his attention now "let's finish this"

"Way ahead of you" in a swift movement the guy Henry was fighting was on the ground and about 2 hits away from passing out

Ray meanwhile wasn't having much luck as his guy could actually fight

"Hey kid!" Ray yelled across the room "could use some help!"

"Sure thing"

Henry ran across the room but apparently should've paid more attention as he didn't notice the 6 inch knife in his side

Ray didn't notice as he was focused

"Plan 2.3?"


Henry tackled the guy Ray was fighting and he rolled off of him back into a standing position wincing when he accidentally bumped the knife but didn't pay any mind to it

As the guy was about to get up ray zapped him

Finally now that both guys we're down they tied them up and called the police and went back to the man Cave

20 minutes later

Half way home Henry started to feel a pain in his side and finally notice the blood

"Uh.. Ra-Ray?"

Ray turned to him with a semi concerned expression since Henry didn't stutter unless he was super tired or really hurt

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