i think...

399 5 1

Warnings: swearing, child neglect, overthinking


"Why do you always make a big deal out of it?!"

Henry looked at his Dad like he was insane

"You forgot to pick Piper up from school everyday this week!" He yelled "she's nine years old, she can't be walking home alone, it's not safe in swellview!"

"She can handle herself" Kris reasoned "it's okay, she's a big girl now"

"How does that make it okay?!" Henry exclaimed "she doesn't have anything to defend herself if something were to happen!"

"You could take some initiative and pick her up, me and your mom are busy people" Jake told his son

"Busy doing what?!" Henry asked "sitting on your asses and watching TV?!"

"Henry-" Kris tried

"Mom, don't" he cut her off "we both know that you guys don't do anything other then go to work then come home and do nothing, you guys barley make enough to support us because you refuse to work mare than thirty hours a week"

"Oh, like you work so much" Jake rolled his eyes

"I do!" Henry yelled "I'm working everyday after school and on the weekends, I barley have time for my friends or my sister!"

"Nobody asked you to get a job" Kris reminded

"It was either that or we were gonna lose the house!" Henry argued "you know what, I'm done, I'll be home later, don't wait up"

"Where are you going?!" Jake asked

"To find something better to do with my time than argue with you assholes" Henry explained

"Henry Prudence Hart!" Kris called as he walked out the door

Henry didn't stop

He walked without thinking

When he looked up again, he was at Junk n stuff

'Why did I come here?' Henry thought to himself

He shrugged and walked in anyway, going to the back and taking the elevator down

When he walked out, Ray was nowhere in sight

He's probably in his room

Maybe I should go somewhere else

Where else could I go, though?

Jasper's mom doesn't like me

Charlotte needs at least a weeks notice before anyone stays over

They're all I got outside of home and work

Guess I'm staying here for a few hours til I know they went to bed

While he was thinking, Henry walked to the couch and sat down

As Henry got deeper in thought, he got to thinking about how much he's probably disappointed his parents over the year

How he's never been enough for them, no matter what he did

How he's a failure

He didn't realize he was crying until he was brought back to Reality by his boss

"Kid?" Ray asked for the 3rd time, this time putting his hand on Henrys shoulder "what's wrong?"

Henry looked at Ray with his tear filled eyes

"I... " he trailed off, a little hesitant to ask "I think I need a hug.. "

Ray wasted no time pulling the kid in for a hug

Henry immediately clung to Ray as tightly as possible

"Hey, hey, what happened?" Ray asked, not letting go

"My parents hate me, Piper feels alone, Jasper's mad at me for working so much" Henry explained shortly "and I don't know what to do"

"If you want, we can help Piper, we can explain to Jasper, we can tell off your parents but we'll do all that tomorrow" Ray suggested "for right now, let's worry about right now"

Henry nodded

"What do we think we should do, right now?" Ray asked

"Can we do a movie night?" Henry asked, pulling back from the hug a little bit

Ray smiled and nodded

"Of course we can, you pick the movie, I'll get the snacks" Ray told him

"Alright" Henry said, letting go completely to allow Ray to get up

The end


Very short

Incredibly rushed

I don't like it that much but I needed to post something

I'm very sorry it's taken a few weeks

I'm having a hard time coming up with ideas right now

I'll remind you guys that you can request stuff but I will specify

Please, whatever your ideas are, make sure that they are Henry centeric and if it's any sick fics or hurt fics, have them be Henry (or Piper) being sick or hurt or whatever

I know this sounds a little harsh but stuff like that is basically the only thing I can work with for now until I get more into writing and can do it more frequently

Also, I have a lab rats book and a SWAT book as well if you wanna check those out as well

-AJ out!

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