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Warnings: homophobic talk, swearing, little bit of violence


It was no secret that Henry was bisexual

Small A/N
-for those who don't know, Bi is liking 2 or more genders with or without a preference-


It was no secret that Jasper was omnisexual


Omni is people who like all genders with a preference!

(So nobody gets it confused) Pan is liking every gender without a preference


It was no secret that Henry and Jasper were together

All his friends were okay with it

Charlotte was very supportive and got Henry a Bi flag for his birthday since he didn't have one yet

Piper just didn't care either way -but she definitely threatened Jasper when he and Henry started dating-

Henrys parents weren't around enough to have an opinion

Jasper's mom didn't give 2 shits about him

And Ray has always made it very public that he -and captain man- support the LGBTQ+ community

So Henry was content with his life and relationship

Some people really pushed his buttons though

School was over and Henry and Jasper were saying bye since Henry had to work

"I'll see you tomorrow" Henry said with a chuckle to Jasper who clung to him

"Why can't you just call in sick or something?" Jasper looked up at him

"Cause my boss would know I'm lying" Henry smiled "I gotta go"

Jasper hugged him a little tighter for a second before letting go

"Byyyee" Henry said, giving him a quick kiss then turning to leave "love you"

"Love you too" Jasper mumbled, grabbing his bag from the bench next to them

"Eww" some random person said, walking by

Henry stopped walking and turned around

"Excuse me?" He asked, walking back to Jasper

"That's gross" they said

"What is?" Jasper asked

"You guys, gay people, fa-"

"You better not finish that word" Henry interrupted "what the hell does it matter to you?"

"I don't wanna see all that" they said "you people always shoving it in our faces"

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