very important!!!!!

263 3 6

Jaelynn do not read, this is not for you

If you add my book to a collection, I do go and look at the collection

If I see the following things, you will be blocked;



Henray smut

Anything that is shipping a child with an adult

If I see something that isn't even the same Fandom as the book I write but it has a child dating an adult then you will be blocked

I do not put up with pedophilia in any way, shape, or form

I don't care if it's consensual in the book, it's still gross

I don't care if the character is aged up, it's still gross

I don't care who you are, if you read that shit and enjoy it, it's still gross

It does not matter how the book is written, who it's written by, or who it's written for

Stuff like Henray Starker, and anything like that is absolutely disgusting

So if you read or write it, stay the fuck away from my books

I don't like you and I don't care about your fucking opinion

I write this book mostly for myself and my sibling

If you comment anything that I deem inappropriate, I will delete it and probably block you

I've blocked at least 4 people now

-AJ out!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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