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Warnings: like, a single 'swear word'


Henry always ranted to Ray

When he got to work it was immediately that he started ranting about school, his parents, Piper, Jasper, the random neighbor that bothered him before he left

So naturally

When Henry comes into work and is completely silent while he sits on the couch and pulls out his phone to scroll through social media, Ray got a little worried

"You alright?" Ray asked the kid

Henry nodded

"Did anything happen at school today?" Ray asked, always eager to hear the bizarre stories of miss Shapen or Oliver and Sydney

Henry shook his head

"What about with your parents or sister?" Ray asked again

Henry shook his head

"Okay, what wrong?" Ray asked, finally standing up from where he sat at the monitors and walking over to sit next to Henry

"Its nothing" Henry mumbled

"Well clearly it's something, you normally talk my ear off when you get to work" Ray pointed out "what happened?"

"I don't wanna talk" Henry said without looking at Ray

Ray looked at him confused

"You don't wanna talk about it or you don't wanna talk at all?" He asked

Henry held up 2 fingers as if to say 'the second one'

Ray looked at him for a moment

"Why not?"

Henry shrugged

"Did someone say something to make you not wanna talk?" Ray asked/

Henry stilled any movement which told Ray that he was correct

"Who was it?" Ray asked

Henry stayed quiet

"Kid" Ray said

Henry looked at him

"Who was it?" Ray asked again but a little more stern this time

Henry looked at him for a minute before answering

"Everyone" he said

"Who's everyone?" Ray asked for specification

"My parents, Piper, Jasper, everyone at school" Henry listed

"Jasper told you to stop talking?" Ray asked with confusion in  his voice

Henry nodded

"Said I talked too much about things I like and I never wanna talk about what he wants even though I've spent the last ten years of my life letting him do all the talking" Henry put his phone down as he spoke

"What the hell is wrong with him" Ray muttered more to himself than to Henry "well, you don't have to worry about that with me, kid, you can always talk to me about anything"

Henry smiled a little

"Thanks" he said

Ray side hugged him for a moment before sliding over to give Henry his personal space back

"So I'll ask again, did anything interesting, gross, weird, or cool happen before work?" Ray asked with a smile

With that Henry started talking about his crappy teacher and how she gave him detention for asking her to leave the writing on the board a bit longer so he could finish writing notes

Ray listened with a smile while occasionally commenting on how annoying she is


Sorry this one's super short, I wrote in in less than an hour

Thanks for reading!!

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