part 2 of; you👏need👏sleep👏

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Warning; mentions of death and abuse also mild swearing


2 weeks later

Henry was not doing any better, he still refused to sleep but now it was for different reasons

Every time he closed his eyes, he saw Piper's corpse hanging from that tree

But he was close to passing out from exhaustion so Ray had to be prepared when it happened

In the man Cave

Henry was sitting on the circular couch while Ray was by the screens waiting for an emergency call

Ray kept glancing at the kid and grew more worried every time he looked

Henry was fucking tired and his eyes were trying to close but he kept snapping them open like he had to stay awake or he would die

Finally after glancing at him for the millionth time in 2 minutes Ray spoke up

"Kid please go get some sleep"

Henry looked at him like he was crazy

"I can't sleep, Ray" Henry said as he looked back at the table "if I sleep then something else will happen and I won't be able to stop it"

Ray furrowed his eyebrows "what do you think will happen?" He stood up and walked over to the suffering teen

"I don't know" Henry Admitted "but something will happen and I won't be able to live with myself"

"If you don't sleep then something will happen to you and I won't be able to live with myself" he didn't wanna cult trip him but he was running out of options

"Everytime I close my eyes I see her. every time I close my eyes I see that tree and everytime I see either one I convince myself more that it was my fault"

Ray sat next to Henry and pulled him into his side

"You know it wasn't your fault kid" He knows it won't help much but he has to try

"I know it's not my fault but it still feels like it is" Henry pulled his legs up to his chest and laid his Head on Rays shoulder, accepting the comfort

"It will feel like that for awhile, hell probably forever, but I'll help you through it" Ray ran his finger through his kids hair while he spoke "and you have Charlotte and Jasper, who will be there for you through the good and the bad"

Henry was slowly falling asleep

"I know you guys are here for me, and I am glad but its still hard without Piper" a few tears welled up in his eyes

"I know bud, I get it" Ray didn't actually understand exactly what he was going through as he never had any siblings and that's probably a whole other pain than losing parents but he was trying his best here

"I know you don't get it but thank you anyway" and with that, he was out and Ray was stuck since he didn't wanna wake him up now

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