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Warnings: minor transphobia, mild swearing


Henry's pronouns are they/he

He identifies as demi boy

They were born a girl but already got the right things to make them look and sound like a boy, with the help of his friends

His parents don't support him

Their sister does

If anyone misgenders him in her presence... Safe to say that they wish they were dead

Jasper supports them, he can't do much to defend them physically but he can put up one hell of an argument

Charlotte isn't afraid to break an arm if someone calls them a girl

He has yet to tell Ray

That was today's plan

He walked into work, 30 minutes early

Ray was sitting at the monitors

Ray heard the elevator and turned around

"Oh- hey kid" Ray greeted with a smile, seeing his favorite kid in the world "you're here early"

"Yeah.. Um.. I wanted to talk to you" Henry said, sitting on the couch

Ray gave Henry a confused look but got up and sat across from him

"What's up?" He asked

"So.. There's no easy way to explain this so I'll just spit it out, I'm demi boy- do you know what that is?" Henry started then questioned

Ray nodded

"Yeah, like, part of you feels like a boy and the other part is non binary or agender or something like that"

Henry nodded

"Pretty much..." He confirmed "oh and um.. My pronouns are they/he"

"Does everyone know?" Ray asked


"Alright, thanks for telling me kid" Ray smiled at them

"You're.. You're cool with it?" Henry asked

"Of course I am, there's nothing wrong with how you identify" Ray assured "and if someday, you decide that you actually prefer just they/them or he/him or any neo pronouns, that's cool too"

"I... I didn't think you'd be alright with it.. " Henry said "everyone usually just... Tells me it's a phase or that I'm gonna regret it later..."

"Even if it was, then at least you'd know" Ray told him

Henry nodded

"Well.. While we're still sitting here and have twenty more minutes... Might as well tell you that I'm Bi-romantic and asexual as well" Henry said

"Okay" Ray said, smiling at the kid

Henry smiled back

If anyone called Henry a girl or used she/her or anything like that, Ray went all captain man on their asses

The end

Sorry it's short

What each identity that was mentioned in this chapter means:

Being romantically attracted to 2 or more genders, with or without a preference

Not feeling sexual attraction towards anyone

Demi boy:
Feeling partially like a boy and partially like another gender (usually non binary or agender)

Having no gender

Not identifying as a boy or a girl, being outside of the binary spectrum

-AJ out

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