"𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓯𝓾𝓵𝓵 𝓜𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰"

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 Pear was walking down the street... unaware he would see a poster that would change his life

Pear/3rd POV:

"Hmm? What is this" I decide to snatch the poster and noticed a funny looking fruit with appealing brown eyes, a smile that could capture the heart andd- wait why am I thinking this? I can't already say this when I haven't even seen the... show? Is it a show? Not to sure...

Confused I decided to look at the address of this ad, "Well that shouldn't be that hard..."

I decided walked all towards the Shovelware Hollywood Studios, apparently it was their first Episode! I wasn't THAT excited but why do I still have the poster in my hands? Like I understand Its for the address but- whatever.

Pear decided to lead towards the doors in front, he hoped he could see the host close up so he would know if that poster wasn't just a bunch of photoshop. But in truth he just wanted to see that host next to him and- "why do I keep hearing voices?"

He decided to looks at the lights and a strange voice started to talk for the show and...


 "Welcome to the newest and ONLY Brain game in the world!! Your announcer live from Shovelware Hollywood Studios LIVE!!" 

*Huh? What now.*

Pear was confused as he never really saw anything besides like movies on reddit, but he would be lying if he didn't want to see what's next "He's bright, he's yellow, and more than a little off-putting, your host, the Dancing Banana!"

He was waiting for this moment all his day (or night? idk), and after a few seconds, it was the host, the only and only... Dancing Banana!! 

Pear just looked at him and his face started to heat up, Dancing Banana noticed because he just stared at Pear with a confused but interested look

 He walked to stage and started the brain game, you know the standard live TV late night crap that for some reason is all the rage.

They get it right, some get it wrong and-

*Man this show is... I...* Pear was bit embarrassed, face a bit red but nothing that noticable. Right? His heart was pounding but Pear didn't even realised how stupid he looked *UGH!! I just don't understand how this... Creature could do anything! I must say something.*

In a fit of rage to remove any sort of interest for the Banana, he decided to stand up and started to fit into that critic persona he always alluded to in his bio.

"Pardon me..." Pear said while looking up, *oh crap* he thought as he just got the host looking at him again... he was starting to blush but hid it quickly amongst his fruity features (Plus the cameras all were on him)

"I was told there would be humorous content in this show." The camera panned towards Pear then Dancing Banana to get his reaction, he was smug as and even seemed... happy? 

"And yet I haven't laughed even once!" Pear said, excited he was able to get his reaction "Why want a refund or something?" Dancing Banana said with the intent to joke with him, but it worked since pear is a bit of a mess

"A REFUND? Psshahahahahaha!" I said not really thinking about what to say next... I just wanted to drown his the host's nice and loveable brown eyes all day.

"A refund? No, you simple fool... What I want is much larger...I WANT..." I was about to say something but realized if I did, it wouldn't exactly be PG for all ages if you know what I mean.

Quickly I tried to changed the topic back to the refund bit "A refund would be quite nice, actually..." While pretending to look confused but lets be honest, The Host of the show, Dancing Banana knew what I was talking about. "

"Well you laughed now, so you can't have one anymore!" Pear was so happy that he talked back, Impressive even! But Pear couldn't talk to him forever so he just sat down, about to die from embarrassment.

"Well then! With that little nitpick out of the way, I guess we'll go back to the show" The game went on as normal, a car battery fell on the loser, they gave away a hot dog sticker, the winner was no surprise that lucky dude.

The game was over but still... I couldn't get his image out of my head... he was just a cool host and while I though some of the stuff he said was corny, he really was a loveable host with lovely eyes and a nice smile and... WAIT don't tell I already fell for him despite it being episode 1... god I really am a fruit disaster...

The little green fruit decided to walked home, while Pear was happy every time he thought of that little Banana, but didn't want to admit it. 

*Next time will be different...*

*I think so?*

Pear had his mind confused, this game sucked but... then again the humor wasn't too bad, plus the prizes are that stupid.

He decided to just posted his review of the show, he didn't think much of it but... the idea was already planted in his brain.

*Was I... falling in love? No way... is it?*

(I am so sorry I keep switching from 1st Person to 3rd Person I just can't decide)

*THIS CHAPTER SUCKS WHAT DRUGS WAS I ON??? anyways next chapter*

Just a dare // Pearnana  🍌x🍐 SWBGWhere stories live. Discover now