"𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓻"

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((3 chapters in one day? Lets goooo, anyways this chapter will be long soooo-))

A day past and it was finally time to announce the winner of the Shovelware Brain's Contest, Pear looked at the website and there surprising a lot of details there, but he wasn't exactly in the right mood right now... I mean what if he doesn't even get picked? Oh well...  ;)

Dancing Banana/3rd POV: 

I was looking at my coffee and honestly I was a bit nervous, I mean I don't even know who will win the contest... But Pear... why did he enter in? My mind started to wonder off while pouring cereal for my Nephews

"Gosh Uncle, soo its true that you do like ermm you know, grouchy pants." My Middle Nephew said while eating his left overs from last morning, I just looked at him with a faint red blush... God if all it takes is a simple mention of his name then you know I'm down bad for h-

"Sooo lemme get this straight, You like Pear but you don't know if Pear likes you back?" My Oldest Nephew said while still having that grin from yesterday.

 "I- Ugh- Yes..." I felt defeated because I don't even know if he would like me, AND critic of all people!! God my taste in men are quite questionable.

"You know, we are here with you too! Maybe we could help arrange something!" Peel said while stuffing a bunch of lucky charms in his mouth. I just looked at him, but instead of feeling defeated I am just glad I could get the comfort from my Nephews.

After finishing breakfast we immediately went to my car *Shovelware Branded of course* And went to the Shovelware Hollywood Studios and decided to check on the audience and guess who was there? Pear silently grasping those flowers from the gift shop... wonder why huh?

"Oh wait! Almost forgot we have to do that laundry thingy you talked about" The middle one said, "Oh yeah, you still got the box Peel?" Peel nodded and gave me it, there was a lot of paper in it and while I didn't want to peak inside, I could feel the weight of all the Audience members who signed up...

"Alright, in positions ready?" Peel said in the hidden microphone "Yes and better then ever!" I ran towards the door and got ready by fixing my slightly slanted bow

"Brain? Check. Game? Double Check. Shovelware's? Triple Check. We've got all the ingredients we need to throw together an episode of Shovelware's Brain Game!"

I came out the door happier than ever, and I looked towards the side and there he was... Pear sitting with the flowers, watered recently I assume.

We started the program normally, Questions, Car Battery's, You know the same ol' stick we have been doing, but Pear... He just looked at me, and he was... SMILING?

Pear/3rd POV:

I was so happy to be there like never before but I must have been smiling because Banana just noticed me out of the crowd and seemed to be happy just to see me... 

I immediately noticed and looked away, My fruity features tried to hide it but lets be honest. If it weren't for the flowers people would have seen me as red as an tomato!! I just wanted to look into his eyes and soul and- No wonder why I keep having dreams about him, he's just... Perfect!!

"I don't understand this..." I said under my breath while I kept tapping my flower v- WAIT why did I even get them? Did I get them for... Him? NO NO NO- I- we- Ughh.... 

I couldn't really focus on the game because I just kept staring at Dancing Banana, I didn't know what to do because slowly and slowly the audience where as excited as me for the contest winner to get announced, and then finally... the time came.

"Hello Everybody!!!" The Camera Pans towards the viewers and the back to the very happy and cheerful Banana with his- Augh why do I keep thinking about this...

"Seemly a lot of you seem to be excited for this time..." He pulled out a glass box and started to shake it harshly , then suddenly stop "The time has finally came huh? Its finally time to announce who won the one and only... Offical Shovelware Laundry Contest!!!"

The crowds went wild as they were very excited to see who got to go with the dreamy... yellow... UGH STOP!! I just looked at his pulling at a white paper folded up to hide their name

"And for the dramatic reveal its..." The announcer said waiting for this moment, I could hear his shaking the script harshly "Its-"



"Wow uhhhh." Dancing Banana said while holding up the paper... "The ONE that was able to win this contest (and clean plus fold my Laundry ) is... 


"I- WAIT WAIT- WHAT!?" I stood up like I just saw someone drown, I almost threw my flowers yet I didn't, The crowd went wild over this and I saw someone at the corner of my eye recording this on their... phone? 

Anyways I was so confused but the Dancing Banana seemingly was so happy, not even normal happy just pure joy! And honestly... I was happy too.

Dancing Banana/3rd POV:

YESSSS!!! I didn't even realize I picked his name out of every other paper, He seemed to be sooo embarrassed heh... But wait, how'd I pick his name out of everyone name?

Dancing Banana was so confused and yet started to look at his nephews, being embarrassed by how his crush was picked out of EVERYONE

"Heh... Looks like our plan worked!!" Peel said "But wasn't it wrong to add... like 20 plus names for pear?" The middle nephew said looking like he just committed a crime (I mean he did but eh)

"Whatever, as long as our uncle is happy with his new man I feel like we can be conten-" Peel suddenly was interrupted by the Oldest Nephew in the room. 

"Wait wait... You rigged the votes? HOW-" Peel cut his sentence before he could say anything else. "Look look I know its wrong but... Banana would be happy with Pear helping him out!"

The Oldest Nephew almost told his Uncle but then again... Dancing Banana would be happy, and if he gets someone else to love then maybe he could take care of us too! Lower his stress levels... So with some lowered doubt in his mind he promised to not speak of this.

((Ok ok this chapter was so long wtf- Anyways I hope you enjoyed it ^^))

Just a dare // Pearnana  🍌x🍐 SWBGWhere stories live. Discover now