"𝓐 𝓣𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓫𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓟𝓪𝓼𝓽"

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((Shout out to Plushboi for helping out by their suggestion!! Anyways the Donut Cop/Security Cop shows up soooo I hope your into angst because this is sort of angst? Idk lol ))

Dancing Banana and Pear were able to hide their relationship well, not like they don't want to be open of it. They thought it would just be better without the audience getting mad at them for simply liking who they liked. But that wasn't Dancing Banana's only secret... He had a past that he wasn't proud off, will someone figure out or will he able to keep it under wraps? only time shall tell..

Dancing Banana POV: 

Another great show full off great content! Finally some contestants were competent in the game for a while, off course there was a Donkey Kong reference but otherwise it was a big hit in viewership!

I was waiting to see Pear's lovely face... just to walk to the outside and get my Nephews for a nice car drive... gosh he really is my moonlight and sunrise...

Before I could really say anything "!!" Someone grabbed me from the back and before I could really hit back I got knocked out from no where, grasping for light I tried to escape but I closed my eyes and...




Pitch Black, Nothing... nothing to hear nothing to really notice... Until my eyes opened and imminently I flashed by a bright light in a dimly lit room, almost flickering with my hands chained behind the chair

"Hello, Do you wonder why your here?" My eyesight still adjusting to the blurry pink circle talking, taking of notice of his blue cap and seemingly had a... mustache?...

My eyesight finally healed fully and, It was Donut Cop that talking to me! I was so confused on why this started to happen to me, but it wasn't the first time he interviewed me.

Truth is he had always seemed to have watched me from the side, without fail he always made me a bit terrified that one day I would mess up and something would be revealed. 

"Well well, take a look at this!" He slammed a file on the grey table that I noticed and it showed pictures of... me doing shady stuff like crime, walking away from a murder scene... and even of me covered in blood after killing 3 fruits.

I was completely horrified that my past just appeared out of no where! He seemed extremely mad at me I didn't want to know what would happen, I desperately tried to remove the chains from my body but due to the rope I couldn't move my hands nor arms very well.

"I swear please just listen to me!-" I said in a desperate attempt but it was a bit to late since he revealed that he was already was planning on calling the someone to see how'd they respond to this.

"Why did you murder those innocent people?" Officer Donut banged his hands on the table while looking at me with pure rage, without a clear response I just shouted back: 

"They weren't innocent!! T-They told me If I didn't bring back the drugs they would have called the mafia on me, I h-had to do it!" I said trying to bring light that some of the stuff I didn't wasn't out of pure crime

"Is that really true?" Donut Cop looked, clearly not amused. "Well well if that its true, then here." Suddenly he grabbed a Lie Detector out of a shady looking box encased closely with a key and  combination with a code. "Well then, put this on!" He said while still glaring me down, he put on a wired hat connected to the Lie Detector to check my heart rate.

I answered all with truth, I didn't want to be shocked from the Detector. I begged and pleaded yet nothing really seemed to work.

We talked for hours, well more like I was interrogated for hours. But after those few hours that felt like a whole day, he brought me a deal that I never would expected.

"Well, to be honest with you" He'd shined the light near his face "I've also had a... err, bad past." It still felt melancholy but something in his aura changed... was he being honest?

Donut Cop handed me a phone, I asked why I needed this and he just told me to call someone... of course my first instant was to call Pear about what's happening in my life.




Only after 10 seconds I told the Officer to choose the contact Pear, he finally after it felt long entirety picked up.

"HONEY? HONEY IS THAT YOU?" He asked frantically while I could here his fright in their voice

"Yes, yes don't worry! I'm completely fine babe!" I really wasn't, and honestly I was terrified of the Cop that was looming over my shoulder.

Before I could say anything else Donut Cop took my cellphone and started speaking in it, my god it was terrifying because I didn't even know what they would say.

"Well, Mr. Pear or whatever your called. You know Dancing Banana, correct?" He said in a tight yet serious tone "Erm... Yes?" Pear said, slightly nervous.

"Well are you aware of his crimes? Like tax fraud, countless murders and robbery?" I completely felt my heart drop, not only where my crimes where being told out to someone... But that someone was my dear love Pear!

"Wait wait wait... you must be joking- Right?" Pear said, almost felt him drop the phone from shock

"Well well, towards the caller I'll be letting him off. Off course if he's willing to pay the price" The Donut looked at me with intense anger in his eyes, of course I said yes I HAD too!

"H-How do I know this is real?" Pear almost screamed "Look up the serial killer on the loose, you know... the Killer Banana!!" He slammed the desk and I felt like Pear actually did it, I could hear him scream in desperation of trying to know more.

"Well then, goodnight!" Donut immediately exited the call and looked over to me "Well then, I guess you'll have to gave more 40% of your paychecks now... or else the goverment will have to deal with you."

"Isn't-" I almost finished my sentence but I didn't feel like that would exactly work in my situation, "Ok ok, I'll do it just let me see my Nephews again!!" I didn't think the OFFICER of all people would use shady tactics but if that's enough to save my image for the public...




I'd do it, and as soon I said that he freed the chain and cut the rope off of my body and I looked around as swiftly as how I killed those people.

Immediately I ran away almost as fast as he finished putting my bank account in his phone.




Oh my god... how would Pear react? I know my Nephews know but- HIM? My GOD! sweetheart I'm coming my way!

Before I could run faster, the rain almost making me slip I noticed a bright light come across the concrete... It was my car and... the person inside was, PEAR?

He exited swiftly, bring out an umbrella just to talk to me when their was a heavy rainfall before us. Before I could even say anything he just hugged me and... even started tearing up

I didn't want to cry but, I felt so much pain that my past was brought up... but for some reason Pear didn't seem mad he was just sad that I didn't muster the courage to tell him.

"Please don't cry Pearie! I just didn't-" Before I could say anything, he just looked at me.

Still teared up "Don't worry, I said I'd be there for you always so please... just talk to me, honestly." Pear said with a much more sad tone than before on the phone but I didn't have any choice, we went into the car and he just looked visibly sad... awaiting that fateful talk soon to happen.

((God I love angst!! Anyways uhh yeah- Not only do Pear and Dancing Banana have to hide their relation, now Pear has to help cover DB's past!!))

Just a dare // Pearnana  🍌x🍐 SWBGWhere stories live. Discover now