"𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓸 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓕𝓻𝓾𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽"

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((Uhhhh I hope you enjoy this chapter, first time writing righting in like a month. I guess you can call this fine dining </3))

Dancing Banana finally got the courage to ask out Pear on a date (HES A SIMP) and wacky stuff happens (mostly fluff, some flirting but ehh) Also the Oldest Nephew helps his Uncle on his date with a hidden microphone... but suddenly he hears something and- oh god, OH MY GOD.

 but suddenly he hears something and- oh god, OH MY GOD

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"Oh my god finally your going on a date." Peel states while Dancing Banana finally decided to get out his red suit in his dressing room. "You know, I can't believe you had the confidence to pull it off but I mean, go off!" The middle nephew looking at the black tie that DB held. The Oldest Nephew helped put a hidden microphone inside the suit.

"Well then, I guess I'll be on my way. Don't worry Boardy will take care of you guys while I'm gone." Dancing Banana gave all of his Nephews a big group hug while calling Boardy to come over his nephews. He had just booked a date on a fancy restaurant for Pear to dine in.

A few minutes after Boardy showed up Dancing Banana was pretty much on his way. This date was gonna be different from the amusement park due to only the Oldest Nephew knowing what is gonna go on. Plus the budget is way bigger due to the explosion in popularity of the Shovelware Show.

After Dancing Banana pulled up at Pear's house, it wasn't a long ride since he lives just ablock away from him. He had noticed how many lights where at Pear's front porch, but as he was just enjoying the silence. He had just looked around before getting a bit bored from just sitting there.

DB wanted to know what his Nephews were up too, so he decided to turn on the microphone to hear what the Oldest Nephew had to say, they said they are fine since Boardy had been cooking up some turkey with some mash potatoes. But suddenly he heard the Oldest Nephew pick up on the call.

"Are you sure you ready to finally get a dinner date? I mean your just a flustered fruity mess." The Oldest Nephew slightly chuckles while DB just felt a bit nervous, it was just a causal meeting with Pear why was he feeling like this? They are still a couple yes but something about Pear still made him feel like the first time they kissed, basically just star struck. (awww)

 "I know I know its just- I want to make Pear feel special! He's my lover!" DB almost shouted but he saw Pear coming out of his house and immediately opened the car door for him. Pear noticeably held out an umbrella due to the sudden notation of rain, it wasn't anything heavy it just started to rain.

Pear walked towards the car, Dancing Banana felt his heartbeat faster as he started to become a bit flustered by just his much more confident aura. They sat next to each other while Dancing Banana was getting ready to go the fancy dinner that he planned but clearly something in the air was well... different than their other meetings.

"Soo well Peary, I've been waiting for your arrival" Dancing Banana said in his usual flirty tone, but as he said that he unintentionally noticed his tie was slightly loose, he had almost grabbed it but out of nowhere Pear started to fix it but as he did.

Just a dare // Pearnana  🍌x🍐 SWBGWhere stories live. Discover now