"𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓪 𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓴 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓱𝓸𝓼𝓽"

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((I gave up half way))

A few weeks after that fateful meeting Pear started to show up to every Brain Game, just to see Dancing Banana, Strange isn't it? What people do for love huh... Of course he had to hide it but still, always showing up doesn't sound like hate hmm ;)?

Dancing Banana/3rd POV: "God he's here! I have to always try my best!" I said to my Oldest Nephew while looking at pear from behind the curtains.

"Hey hey, what's the problem uncle?" He said while cleaning the lenses of the camera "I just don't know! Whenever I see that I just get... ugh I cant even explain"

My Nephew looked at me and after him thinking about it, he started to look smug "Hm? What's with the look?"

He got off his chair and "Ok ok, I can totally tell something is up behind the scenes, but what?" My Nephew said with a grin, I stared to blush but tried to hide it.

"I knew it! You are in love!" The Oldest Nephew started to laugh while the other nephews just looked at us talking from behind the scenes. 

"But with who?" I didn't want to bring up some sort of crush since you know... they kind off are protective of me ever since my brother told me to take care of them.

"Fine fine! But promise to not tell anyone." He looked at me and pinky promised me "Ok ok, Its Pear..." His face lit up and got excited, I decided to look around us and well uh... the others heard it.

"Huh Pear? But he's so, you know" The middle nephew said while having this confused face "Hmm? Never thought u had a type for the grouch, but hey his love life isn't our regard"

 Peel said while snickering. I just put on my bow and noticed I was far from the key position, I decided to improvise and just skateboard to the stage.

"When will it star- Oh its your fashionably late but still early host... Dancing Banana!"

The crowd went wild over the fact I could skate but Pear just looked at me, andd he was holding, flowers? I was just looking at him and I think the audience noticed... I'm not sure, almost crashed if not for Peel directing me towards the stage.

Pear/3rd POV:

*God he's is perfect...* I said while holding my Flowers tight, many audience members noticed and started to whisper around me but honestly I didn't really care. The game started and well the same old stuff happened. The contestants were all trying to win since it was a tight score, some got the L (literally not even joking) 

But I just liked the fact that he handled the show with care... plus he got his nephews to help work and that just felt wholesome you know? Anyways I should probably do my critical move before anyone suspects me of- 

"Everyone!" The Youngest Nephew said, I think his name is Peel? "May we have your attention?" Everyone looked over to him then the Host, honestly I don't really know what's happening.

"Soo you know about those days with the host? Well we have special edition in our Brain Show!" The announcer said excitedly, could hear the stack of the script he had.

The Dancing Banana got a box out with a hole in it, "Everyone, this is a contest that will last all day, so make sure to get it now!" Dancing Banana explained that it was a contest to see whoever wants to help with laundry will be able to have the whole week with him. 

I wasn't to sure about the laundry part but I did noticed that last bit, that you were able to spend a whole week with him? God that seems like a dream come true but laundry? I was unsure if I should enter but... hey its basically like buying merch right? Nothing to be ashamed off

The audience members where conflicted about it but the announcer said you can see more details on the website. I didn't really realize the risks so I decided to grab a paper slip and write my name on it, no harm right? That's until I turned my back and everyone was shocked that I would even want to enter this contest anyways.

Even the host was shocked at this decision but looked smug like... his plan worked? I'm not sure but I'll check out the website to see more, no harm in that right?

After that day I decided to go home, walking out of course but something told me tomorrow had more in store... so its better to not think of it.

(God this was longer than I thought, anyways I hope you enjoyed that! ^^)

Just a dare // Pearnana  🍌x🍐 SWBGWhere stories live. Discover now