"𝓛𝓪𝓾𝓷𝓭𝓻𝔂 𝓑𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰"

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((I am obsessed with this ship my god- Yes I know the Title sucks, yes I know I'm posting way to much, just let me do this!))

After that fateful night, The Dancing Banana wanted to know what Pear truly wanted to do. Did he like him or not? And will the Oldest Nephew able to keep their Secrets about the vote rigging? I hope those answers will be answered soon. ;p

Pear/3rd POV:
I don't know what do, It's obvious this is just for Laundry but ever since I kissed him... I just don't know why I'm going this... Why do I like him? Obviously yes I do, but I'm not to sure about the host...
I was so confused since I've never had this sort of job...

I decided to wake up early just to realize I'm in his bed! I rushed out of it but his scent was still there... well Dancing Banana always smelled great, god he is perfect... Man

*His house must be huge...* I thought while walking down the 2nd floor stairs that led towards the 1st floor, and started first to wonder around his rooms. Noticing one of the Nephews where awake, I looked at the Couch and noticed Dancing Banana taking a well deserved Nap. Tucked him in a bit.

 I look in his fridge. Not a lot but I can make due. I started to make pancake batter and before I could say anything "Hey!! Mr. Pear can u add some whipped cream for me?" I looked and it was the Middle Nephew "Why are you up this early? Aren't you-" I decide to stop talking after looking at me cook in awe

A while shortly I finished the pancakes and even made bacon with maple on it. "Sooo uhm you like Uncle Banana sir?" The Middle Nephew said while eating his Pancake covered in whipped cream "I- erm, Its complicated..." Suddenly the other Nephews walk in the room and I realize how much time has passed so I decided to do my job. 

I went to the laundry room or whatever its called and started to clean their clothes, surprisingly a lot of them were completely clean. Only a bit wrinkly, After being done with the first batch I started to get with the the 2nd one and... Felt a familiar hand on arm.

"Hey hey just because your on laundry duty doesn't mean you cant wake me up~" He sounded a bit tired but I just stood there kind off trying to ignore him, After all this was about Laundry... right? I was about to place Peel's jacket in the washer but then...


Dancing Banana pinned Pear towards the wall and the door was closed "So... what do you really want to do?~" He looked at me in a way I never thought he would "I erm- What are you doing!" I was confused but still, I couldn't look away from his brown eyes

"Trust me, Look" Banana put his arm away and started to walk away a bit "How do you feel about me?" I was stunned at this question because I always wanted to be with him, I mean his smile was so jolly that even random strangers would smile. Plus I started to turn red and he noticed.

"Well, I- I just don't know what to say..." I said while started to sit down "I'm gonna be fully honest, ok?" Banana looked at me while I said that "I- no, I liked you for a very long time ok?" I said while almost tearing up... Banana's face just started to turn red, almost red enough to be a tomato

"Wow and I thought you didn't even like me! Heh well I like you too dude."  He said while being a bit embarrassed. And I off course just watching from the corner, It was the siblings now openly celebrating "Man finally!! Gosh that took a while for them to get." The Oldest nephew said 

"Uncle got a boyfriend! Uncle got a boyfriend! WOOOO!!!" Middle nephew said in full while we just were embarrassed, blushed a lot *As usual huh?* I just held his hand.

"Wait, how would the public reaction to this?" Peel asked and honestly we had no answer, we were happy but... what would the public say? To suddenly have the hater of the show becoming the lover of the host.

"Uhhh, wait" Dancing Banana stood but, helping me up while thinking about it. "How you guys just you know, keep it secret until the hate gets warmed down." The oldest nephew said while eating his 5th bacon piece. 

"That sounds risky, but hey it may work?" I said confused but still, I was finally with Dancing Banana and I just wanted to scream happily but couldn't, had to keep that cold act up you know? But still, pretending to hate him sounds hard especially since we have this whole week spend together... But hey, I'll make it work.

((Finally they are together, sorry that I'm not making it a slow burn, cant deal with the heart break you know? Anyways uhh more chapters to come)) <3

Just a dare // Pearnana  🍌x🍐 SWBGWhere stories live. Discover now