"𝓐 𝓑𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓼𝓸𝓶 𝓛𝓸𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓘𝓷 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓴"

519 11 18

((Crazy I'm still updating huh? Anyways time for some fluff, god I'm so lonely))

3rd POV: Pear and Dancing Banana came back to home, they decided to sleep together since none of them wanted to be separated for a long time even if they were asleep during it. So after they both went to sleep their Nephews and Boardy started to Gossip.

(Like any sensible dude would do) about DB's newfound relationship, but of course since today is that Shovelware Brain Game is back from a 2 day break from the weekend, Dancing Banana was a bit doubtful he could keep his relationship with Pear from the audience but he had faith in himself.

"Pre-recorded on tape but technically live for our studio audience, it's Shovelware's Brain Game!!"

Banana started to chat with Peel through his phone but noticed the noise the announcer made, quickly put on a tangerine bowtie and got close to the door

"He's got smiles for miles, it's your host, the Dancing Banana! Wooooo!!!" The Announcer said before grasping his script and reading it out loud

The Dancing Banana was a big nervous hiding his relationship seeing as how Pear kept looking at him yet never seemed to stop, heart pounding faster than regular. But managed to stay calm as he kept waving and running towards the stage to stay on script, yet fumbled a bit of it

*God this is going to be a disaster* He thought to himself before snapping out of it, as expected the show went on as ususal until Boardy the Smart Board came up stage, clearly this was just unplanned as he showed up out of no where 

"And- huh? Oh this wasn't planned... well there's Boardy the Smart Board here to collect his paycheck!!" Boardy went up, you know the same stick, showing a picture of a famous celebrity or random face but after all the contestants got it wrong he whispered up to Dancing Banana.

"Sooo how's it goin? Nothing your hiding?" He said with a grin, of course Banana became a bit suspicious of him and while he was trying to remember his lines, then he thought of something to shrug it off.

"Announcer, present the prize early!!" DB said with his regular grin, off course Boardy was put off guard by this but quickly went back to the curtain

"Erm... Really? Already? Eh well well then... *Sounds of the Script being shuffled* the Prize is a sticker of a Hotdog!! Wait... is- that a real Hotdog!? You do realize that's a real living and breathing human being!"

Dancing Banana prepared it incase he needed to get the Announcer off his back and seeing how he talked over and over how the Hotdog was a real person he knew it worked.

After that the round kept normal, off course Pear pretend to criticize it but after a bit talking he ran to the gift shop, andd well the round went pretty normal! Besides some Cherries being rude to the Announcer of course.

Right after the show was over Pear was still in the giftshop, looking at all the items that Shovelware Hollywood Studios provided. Of course it was getting closed but he was texting someone on his phone (Dancing Banana) But in a blink of an eye, he appeared right in front of him!

"Well well here's my lovely sweetheart~!" Banana said while kissing Pear's hand. Pear blushed like he always did, obviously falling into both of their eyes.

"Heh, well I guess that first day didn't go as badly as I thought! Anyways uh... what do we do know?" Pear said while franticly trying to find a reason to talk to him more because he wants to hear him more because going home.

Dancing Banana get his nephews he were just happy to be there, They went back into the car and in a moment of Deja vu Pear and Banana were brought back to when Pear unexpectedly kissed him. And both of their fruity features just were totally red.

"You know Uncle, what do we call Mr. Green?" Peel said while waiting for the green light to enter. 

Pear was fiddling his fingers and after looking at Banana and back at Peel "Ehh well, I never really thought of that... I guess you can just call me Pear, no need to that Mister or anything."

The nephews were happy for them yet wondered what the public would react towards it... and would their little rigging be noticed? Honestly they were just bored but only one topic went in their mind... Why out of all people was it Pear?

But after a while, they went home and started to just do some mundane things like cleaning or watching some TV while Pear and Banana holding hands

((Thanks to Plushboi for his idea about Banana's Criminal Past life ^^ It will add some needed Drama besides the Secret Relationship and the Rigged Voting, but other suggestions are still helpful!!))

Just a dare // Pearnana  🍌x🍐 SWBGWhere stories live. Discover now