"𝓐𝓵𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾"

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((This chapter is a bit rushed but ehhh just read it))

It was just stated that Pear had won the contest, but something in the air wasn't right because the nephews decided to rig the votes to only be for Pear... will Banana find out if Pear is right for him or not? I hope you are excited as me!! ;)

Pear/3rd POV: 

I was very confused on what to do, since the host picked me, but ME??? I just- I don't know what to think, but then again in really happy but I don't know how to show it "I- I'll just be here" I look up at Dancing Banana, his eyes and mine locking like soulmates

"Well well, I guess you'll have to take care of my Laundry!" Dancing Banana said while laughing a bit, the audience was just waiting for this tension to build up. "Oh hush it-" 

I was cut off guard by him pulling out a paper from the ballot, covering up the other name and putting his number on it "Don't forget it!" He simply just walked up while the audience just watched before exiting the building... Was I nervous? no no- I can't be, right?

I decided I wanted to go back home- until it started raining out of no where.

Banana/3rd POV:

 Heh I don't even know why I was so worried about... I just can't believe that I'm finally gonna be able to talk to Pear one on one... Sighhhh I just really love when he smiles...

"Uh, Uncle are you done?" Peel said to me while looking concerned "Oh ermm yeah I-" I looked outside and noticed Pear just standing there in the rain, not really knowing what to do.

 *This is my chance!* I thought to myself before walking myself and my Nephews towards pear "Sooo, its raining isnt it?" I said and Pear looked at me, I never felt this type of way before 

"I- uhm..." He stumbled on his words for awhile before finally saying something "I don't really have a car, nor a umbrella" Pear said while trying to cover his face, I was a bit confused but I decided it was my chance "Soo I know you don't have a car... how about you ride to my house?"

Pear looked at me in shock, surprised I would do that yet for the first time in a while... he smiled happily as he got in my car. I think the Nephews knew what was gonna happen since they kept snickering... Strangely my Oldest Nephew was quiet, like a lot more quiet than usual.

I didn't really know what to say so I decided to just go back, Pear looked at me with a confused yet glad face, surprising he was... blushing? Pretty sure he caught me looking at him and stared right back to the window. "Heh you know, you are pretty cute when you smile~" 

I looked at Pear with a smug expression, but clearly we were both nervous. "I- you just stop it." He tried to act bored but I knew what he really meant, he was just embarrassed.

"Soo you two lovebirds, when will you guys date?" I almost stopped the car when I heard that, Peel just started laughing after he said that... but Pear was just red as a tomato so he didn't really say anything.

After a while we drove near my house and while my Nephews went towards the door, Me and Pear decided to stay behind... "Soo erm, I want to ask you a question" I asked him while he was still a bit shocked from this "I know what your talking about..." Pear tried to think up of something

"It was just a dare that I gave myself, that's all." Pear tried to pass that off as a little fact but I knew he was lying "Well then, I guess I have to dare you then." I leaned in as we walked towards the staircase

"Hey I didn't give you permission to do that!" Pear said with his fruity features trying hard to hide his blush from embarrassment "Well then... how about you help me take care of my Nephews, really are a handful!" Pear looked at me but started to smile "Well then, I guess I give my full permission~"

Unexpectedly out of no where, Pear leaned in and started to kiss Banana. He was in total Shock! Even the Nephews where. His eyes where wide open but started to close and started a few seconds he leaned back

"Wow, grouchy huh?" I said trying to stop blushing "I cant believe I just did that!" "I can't believe I just said that!" Trying to look away, From the corner of my eye... The Nephews were watching us and even The oldest gave me a thumbs up while his face lit up.

"Well then uh... Laundry yeah..." Pear was very Awkward so we just decided go to bed, Pear gave me the stack of flowers he was holding from the gift shop... Gosh he's such a dork!

I tried to sleep but I really couldn't since yeah know... I JUST KISSED PEAR AGHHH YESS!! I didn't even realize my Middle Nephew was watching me squeal about the kiss until I went down from the couch.

"Well uhm uncle, do you like this man?" He asked me while showing me a handstitched venison of Pear "Well... yes, very much" I said "But why? He's such a grouchy pants, plus he was rude to the show" He asked before he went to his bed. "Trust me, just because he's grouchy doesn't mean I don't love him" I said before petting all my Nephews a good night.

I held the plushie of Pear... I kissed it goodnight and went to sleep, having a dream about us living a good life...

((YESS THEY KISSED AHAIWODHAIWDHJAWODLHJDOAI- anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry if its a bit rushed I just want to pump as many of these as I can ^^))

Just a dare // Pearnana  🍌x🍐 SWBGWhere stories live. Discover now