"𝓐 𝓢𝓮𝓬𝓻𝓮𝓽 𝓡𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓹"

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((This whole fic is in a 3rd POV, also Boardy The Smart Board appears, he doesn't do much lol))

While Pear and Dancing Banana seemingly are content with their lives, Pear has his Happily Ever After and Dancing Banana is able to get someone to help with his nephews that his brother abandoned. The media and the audience are wondering what their doing... Will they be able hide this or will the media catch up to them? Only the fate of this fic will know.

3rd POV:

Both the Lovebirds look at the sky, brightly shimmering as the sunrise of Sunday will end sooner than expected and suddenly they will go back to the show, strange how much time can change in just those short moments of having fun.

"Well uhm... soo do you want to go to the amusement park?" Dancing Banana said while looking at Pear, still blindly yet happily in love. Pear stops drinking the sweet lemon flavored water he has been drinking for a few seconds "Well sweetheart... I would love too"

Dancing Banana gets so excited, even tells his nephews and them both tell just tell him to go for it, you know? "But wait, what if we get recognized? Or what about your Nephews?" Pear said while eagerly looking at Banana while both have this heavy blush not even his fruit texture could hide

"Don't worry, we can just dress causally. Plus I got my friend Boardy to help take care of my Nephews!"

Pear finally was on set by this idea, and just after a few minutes he got dressed in a comfy dark green sweater with hints of Black while wearing baggy black pants with white shoes that have a underside picture of just Banana's face on it.

While the Dancing Banana just went for a causal Pale Magenta hoodie and white shorts and black boots, he wore a backpack though with a Pear Keychain his Middle Nephew made.

While the Dancing Banana just went for a causal Pale Magenta hoodie and white shorts and black boots, he wore a backpack though with a Pear Keychain his Middle Nephew made

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((Haha get it? Those colors are opposite of each other!!))

After both getting dressed in more comfy and causal clothing they decided to go to the amusement park, awaiting for the night that will come

What they both don't know is is that in the backpack, Peel is secretly recording them with a microphone to hear his Nephews

"So why are you in Uncle's backpack?" The Middle Nephew said "Shh, They'll hear you if you speak to loud" The Older Nephew said while putting his nubs close enough to Him to get the hint

"I'm in here because simply I just want to see how their date night does, alright?" Peel whispered into the hidden compartment and slightly unzipped it so he could breathe

They ordered tickets to stay for only 10 hours and awaited the long sunrise to be over, but first they decided to want to ride something here, I mean they got to make that ticket worth it right?

"Alright soo what should we ride?" Pear said confused looked across the place that both the lovebirds could enjoy. 

"You know... you can always ride me~" Pear was caught off-guard by Dancing Banana's sudden request, but Pear just shrugged it off a bit blush.

They took a while to figure what to do but then they saw a carousel with pictures of fruits with horns "Maybe we should go on that ride? Not that you have to." Pear said but before he could say anything else Dancing Banana decided to grab his hand and ran towards the carousel.

"People don't seem to go on this ride, so lets go my lovely Pear-ist" Dancing Banana said with excitement. Pear was just red at this point and he was a bit clumsy.

"Finally! He gave him a nickname, cute huh?" Peel said thru his hidden microphone, the other nephews responded with joy.

"Hm? What are you guys talking about" Boardy the Smart Board asked while making cherry smoothies, of course the Nephews aren't really good a telling lies so they just told Boardy about their little date.

"Really? Gosh  how have I never heard of that? Ok but that's cute but isn't sneaking on to someone's date kind off wrong?" Boardy said while handing them their cherry smoothies. "Eh Uncle did worse, so it doesn't matter if its morally wrong or not!" They both said in agreement, Boardy was confused but decided to listen in since he is kind off noisy.

Banana decided to leave his backpack near a bench, Peel peaked out of his backpack that he was hiding in and saw them just riding on the Carousel with glee.

"Heh... I guess they were right for each other after all?" Peel said, only just 2 hours past and they seemed to get along.

They decided to go to the Ferris Wheel. While Pear was a bit nervous of having to deal with his fear of height, Dancing Banana was able to convince him to don't worry. He grabbed the backpack that Peel was in and bought a ticket for it.

"Uhm... Soo" Pear said It was a bit awkward since both of them didn't know what to say

"You know Pear... you are the most precious thing I ever got besides my nephews you know?" 

The Dancing Banana said, clearly distraught about something. "Hey... you know you can always talk to me alright?" Pear leaned closer to to Him 

"It's just that, I always took care of my nephews... but I never knew why my Brother abandoned them you know?" Dancing Banana said with tears starting to form, Pear trying to comfort him he firmly held his hand

"Look, your not alone anymore ok? You have me to stay by your side." Pear said, his eyes were locked and it was out of genuine emotions. Pear heard it all yet decided to stay silent.

"Well... promise you will always be with me, Peary?" Banana said with a bit of a cheeky smile, his hand on pear's.

"O-Of course, I promise..." Pear said, and before he could talk more Banana put his hands to his face and for the first time in a while, they kissed while Fireworks ignited surprisingly in the colors of green and yellow

Pear's eyes were widened but swiftly closed his eyes as the moment was just right. Peel and his Nephews was so happy they almost revealed Peel in the bag. And Boardy was just happy for them.

Banana back out after being so embarrassed he just did that, but instead of feeling strange Pear just comforted him and after awhile his frown became a gleeful smile due to Pear helping him feel better.

"Well then, I guess you can come to my house anytime~" Dancing Banana said while giving Pear a small peck on the cheek, clearly both were blushing were hard.

((Omggg this fic was so long, anyways uhhh sorry this wasn't really much about the drama or what its just fun to make more comforting stuff, I hope you liked the sort off fluff!! :D))

Just a dare // Pearnana  🍌x🍐 SWBGWhere stories live. Discover now