"𝓐 𝓓𝓪𝓽𝓮, 𝓘 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮"

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((Sorry for not updating I needed time to emotionally recover after accidently hitting a squirrel. Anyways the official theme for this fic is "IU Good Day" because Boardy told me))

After that awkward day of explaining the drama about how Dancing Banana has a past finally was all explained by Pear, you know how this goes. Pear forgives Banana but still is conflicted about dating a former criminal. Anyways back to the (sort off) questionable fluff here.

Dancing Banana/3rd because I just cannot decide, POV: My god this is just embarrassing, clearly I just don't know what to do in my life. 

Man Pear still looks as hot as ever, his seductive glare is just enough to make to feel so... god even when he's mad at me he still has that certain look that makes me go wild. (HE IS A SIMP)

Same script, different Prize, different Episode. Of course people got in the way, some of them got hit with a car battery, the announcer still was emotionally recovering from being sent cleaning products (If you know why) It was still fun of course but I still couldn't look away from Pear... Deja Vu huh?

"That's the end of this exciting episode of Shovelware's Brain Game! Signing off from Shovelware Studios Hollywood!" The announcer said while fumbling his paper script at his desk.

After that the same old stuff happened, some players got it right, some got it wrong. And off course those annoying cherries showed up, but the viewer rating where a high time and clearly this show was just gonna get more popular.

After the show ended I just stared straight at my phone and before I could even say anything, my nephews just walked straight towards me and asked why me and Pear weren't getting alone even if we forgave each other.

"Ok clearly something is wrong." Peel said, nervously while tapping his feet, it was clear Dancing Banana was super oblivious to the situation that's happening.

"Yeah well, Mr. Pear is mad at YOU and YOU need to fix it Uncle!" The middle nephew said while aggressively pointing his hand at Dancing Banana, sipping his apple juice.

"Look look I just don't know what to do! Pear isn't really responding to me!" Banana look to all of his nephews before something in his brain clicked, *A date!*

"Alright, I have a plan. You guys in?" DB said while looking at his 3 nephews, they nodded in unison and before long they started to talk about the plan.

(2 hour time skip!)

Dancing Banana started to walk towards Pear. Of course Pear was a bit nervous since he knew he can't hate him forever, I mean this is still the same fruit that made his heart flutter and clearly those feelings weren't going away.

"Heyyy Peary~" Dancing Banana said while walking towards him, Pear noticed this and immediately he started to blush.

"Uhm... What is it?" Pear said trying to hide his excitement while sipping lemonade, Dancing Banana walked towards him with the intent to make his heart flutter.

"You knowww, it's been a while since we really chatted you know?" Dancing Banana said while he winked at him, wrapping his arms around Pear.

"I- Erm..." Before Pear could finsh his sentence Dancing Banana kissed him on the cheek and gave him a note, giving Pear Deja vu from the first time he got his phone number.

"A... date?" Pear looked confusingly, he never really expected this "Well If you wanted a date you could have you know... Sent me a text."

Pear was super happy, bursting even but he didn't really want to show it, Dancing Banana knew what he was feeling right inside though.

"Heh. Well darling, I'll see you there~" Dancing Banana said, walking away towards his nephews while Pear was about to just turn red. (GOD IM A SIMP)

"Sooo... how'd it go?" The Oldest Nephew said while checking his phone, not really noticing his Uncle's arms shaking in joy

"Let me guess... it was a success?" Peel said while grinning profusely. The middle nephew just looked at him tired but happy for his Uncle.

"YESS YESS!! Your plan to act flirty worked!! God I love him." Dancing Banana was about to trip from excitement but luckily in time the Middle Nephew stopped him.

"Finally your love life is in check. Wonder when you will... Nevermind." The Oldest Nephew said while looked smug, it was clear he was happy for him as well.

"Now now... time to prepare for it!" Dancing Banana said as he went to the dressing room, not even noticing Boardy texting Announcer about their next Show.

"Whoa, somebody is excited!" Boardy said while he was cleaning up a bit of code on his hardware.

"I know! He is- I mean... next show?" Boardy knew what Dancing Banana was talking about but decided to be oblivious since he didn't know his Nephews told him that DB and Pear are dating.

After that, The Dancing Banana and Pear was planning their little date... unaware of the fantastic night that was amongst them.

*Yay finally a new chapter after like, 2 weeks. PEARNANA SHIPPERS GET YO JUICE!!!*

Just a dare // Pearnana  🍌x🍐 SWBGWhere stories live. Discover now