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—"Nothing will ever compare to her

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"Nothing will ever compare to her."

I observe the way Riley and Jamie interact as Riley prepares to surf the decent-sized waves breaching the sand. "Oh, look! A full sand dollar," Riley says in awe at the small fossil. The way Jamie smiles in adoration has my heart skipping. I clench the sand as a fleeting thought comes to mind. Me and Jamie living happily wherever she wanted, whether it be here or thousands of miles from. I don't care. We'd dance in the living room with her family surrounding us all happily enjoying each other's presence. We'd kiss, laugh, and even cry at times. She'd beg me for another dog so that Bee and Casper could have a friend if Casper lived to see the day. The dog was almost 14 according to Jamie; had him since she was a little girl.

I remember then.


My thoughts sizzled the moment her sweet Cupid lips uttered my name. I stare past the glaring sun, and meet her beautiful brown eyes and tilt my head. She looked like an angel. Dressed in a red bikini and blue jean shorts with the zipper slightly open to reveal her cute pudge and old belly piercing.

Apparently, my Jamie baby got it out of spite of her mother, getting it done on her 18th birthday. I hadn't known Jamie had one until I saw her putting in a new ring for it yesterday.

Let's just say I fucked her against the sink after that.

"Yes, love?" I mutter, caressing her bracelet-covered ankle as she squats down next to me.

Jamie had pulled her hair up in a bun, a few stray curls peeking out and some framing her face, blowing in the wind. I tuck a piece and smirk as a sudden blush brushes her already rosy cheeks. "Riley was wondering if you'd be willing to teach him some tricks...for surfing. I didn't say yes because of your cast—"

"Fuck the cast. I'll just get a new one." I stare into her hard before peering over at Riley who sat patiently by his board scrapping off calcium buildup. "You surfing also?"

Surprisingly, she shakes her head no. Jamie bites her lip, looking back at the beach house. Then it clicked. Her grandma had yet to speak a word to her since we've moved in the house. I could tell she was bitter, understandably, a man she'd known since he was little got her grandkids wrapped up in a hellish mess. She knows what's been going on, but she had yet to protest.

I wouldn't deal with my Jamies sad expression any longer and softly pulled her in by her neck. The short kiss contained so many sparks and untold words that I was....afraid to let go. I smile against her lips and caress her cheek with my thumb. "Just a little while longer," I whisper, planting one last sweet kiss on her full lips before we both stand and walk in different directions.

Riley looks up from his scraping the moment I get close. "The waves are pretty big today. Think you can take 'em?" He teases with a boyish grin.

I laugh. "The question is, can you? Jamie said you wanted to learn some tricks."

𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 | 𝟏𝟖+Where stories live. Discover now