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—"She was my moon, sun, and stars

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"She was my moon, sun, and stars."

Pushing against her abdomen, I quietly trail my fingers along the new ink on her skin. The dark imprinted snake forever sealing my life to hers and how I felt for her. My Jamie.

She twitched and twisted under the sheets that only covered her legs, leaving her upper half exposed. I admired her whenever I could because lately, I've barely seen her. Between her job and my reoccurring stops at the warhorse and my new position as mayor, my lack of making time for her was my own punishment. I cursed every minute that I couldn't see her, even the cameras weren't enough. I'd get so worked up while watching her from the office that I'd have to cancel my meetings or plans for that day and rub the unfortunate horn ball I got myself in in desperation.

Jamie shivers, the peaks of her jeweled nipples growing from the slight cold edge in the room. I chuckle and flatten my hand above her breast, sighing when I felt the beat of her steady heart against my palm. This was my heart, sat behind the flesh and bone of this young woman who had yet to run away from me. Jamie surprises me everyday, my heart spiking at the thought of her one day disappearing without a trace, without my knowledge.

Yet she remains here, in my home, in my clothes, under my sheets, in my bed.

"Oh my love, how I've gone mad for you," I whisper, twisting a curl between my fingers. "You're scared of me and get you stay. I can see it in your eyes sometimes and I wonder what I did to deserve these memories with you."

She releases a snore, signifying her deep sleep, coaxing me to chuckle. "Your timing is impeccable."

Suddenly she stirs, her once slightly curled figure stretching with a small groan. Her nose crinkled as her hand reached out for me. I grasp her awaiting hand and blend our together, placing a solid soft kiss on her cold knuckles. I frown. She's been cold lately, almost sickly cold. I brought it up only for her to shut it down, claiming it was stress and the change of weather but I knew better. "Sleep some more."

Jamies eyes slit, the sleep still in her eyes. "It's already almost noon," she yawns, pulling hand against her flushed cheek and sighing. "Mothers expecting me soon."

"She can wait, baby. You're tired and clearly drowsy," I grunt, scooping her naked body against my own and holding her taunt against me under the warm duvet. "You're freezing."

She moans sleepily, getting comfortable in my arms that caged her and rubbed her tinged red nose on my chest. "It's just a little chilly."


This intimacy was something I craved, it wasn't just a want, but a need. Nothing sexual, just an important someone warming mine while I did the same. Jamie claimed she didn't like to cuddle but the moment I took her in my arms she melted like putty, no body part left untouched. She even took it upon herself to rub our feet together, much to my discomfort.

"Just 10 more minutes," I sigh against her hairline.



"Thank you for being there," her mom says suddenly.

I had finished throwing the ball for Casper and Bee when she spoke. Not sparing a glance I said, "I'm thankful I was."

A beat a silence rang before I heard her sigh. "Her father and I....we want what's best for her. Always will. I got off on the wrong track and did and said things I'm not proud of but I know deep down in my heart that I pushed her away on purpose. She needed this move more than anything, a fresh start." Her voice barely cracks before she cleared her throat. "I wanted better for both of them."

I gaze over at Jamilyn and Riley softly, my heart leaping. Jamie laughed at something Riley said as he flicked dirt in her direction before focusing on planting a plant in the ground.

A hand grips my forearm and I had to resist cringing away on instinct.

"I—I just wanted to thank you is all. She's been through a lot these past few months and you stepped in, became her guardian angel. And there's nothing more I could ask for so...thank you," she mumbles finally, looking towards the wooden patio floor.

I look between her hand and her face before heaving a sigh. "She might look like her father, but her mannerisms, she gets them from you," I say roughly.

She sniffles a small laugh, stepping back to look at her children.

I peer back at them too, only to see Jamie staring back at me with a small smile, her eyes faintly flickering towards her mom. My lip twitches as I lean my forearms on railing.

You okay? Her eyes spoke.

I nod, subtly flicking my hand. I'm good.

She nods and continues smiling towards Riley who had yet to discontinue his trailing words. "Let me make something clear. Respectfully."

I survey the backyard before landing my sights on her mom. I watch her throat bob with a shallow breath. Her dark brown eyes curious.

"You hurt her, I'll send you back to Arizona before you can even think about seeing Jamie again. Clear?" I say smoothly, standing stiff as stone.

She was quiet a moment before mumbling, "I understand."

I didn't reply before I tread over towards Jamie and Riley. Riley noticing my sudden appearance, became bubbling beyond measure and ranted off about how Jamie was scared of a slug they found. She scoffs and flicks dirt him with the mini shovel in her grasp. "Snitch," she mutters.

They share a laugh and I couldn't the sudden striking feeling hitting my chest. There was something I realized I wanted more than Jamilyns love, attention, and affection.

A family.

I peer over at Jamie through my sprouting bangs, screwing my view of the beauty before me. "Next time hand her the slug without her noticing," I suggest with a wink.

Her expression was gobsmacked with disgust. "Fucking rude."

"Language!" Riley and I say simultaneously.

We laugh and my sights land on the full wide gummy smile on Jamie's face. My Jamie. Our eyes meet and like a zap of electricity, my heart sprang to life with the most astonishing emotions. I craved this feeling.

With her.

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