Early to Hawaii

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As usual the airport was full of people, the girls, and Liam, had trouble getting through the crowd to Sloan's plane. They had rented a wheelchair and Liam was pushing Sloan in it.

"Are we late?" Sloan asks as she searches for the gate.

"Uh....not yet." I say checking the time on my phone.

Jade looked around and....saw it? I don't know she ran toward a gate and we followed her.

"Are we at the right gate?" Karlee asks giving the attendant Sloan's ticket.

"Yes, we've been boarding for seven minutes." She says scanning the ticket.

"Okay, Sloan, be safe." I say hugging her.

"Yeah, try not to get too bored!" Jade laughs.

"I'll see you soon!" Liam says kissing the top of her head.

The attendant takes hold of the wheelchair and starts pushing Sloan into the tunnel.

"It was nice to meet you ladies." Liam says to us.

"When are you seeing Sloan soon?" Jade asks.

"When she graduates she's coming to the university here. She also invited me for the holidays. I guess we're doing the long distance thing." He says smiling.

"You better not let this girl down pal. Don't try anything!" Jade says staring him down.

"Alright tiger let's go." I say grabbing Jade and dragging her away.

We walk outside into the beautiful Summer air.

"So does this mean early Hawaii?" Jade asks.

"Well, let's go back in and see if we can bump our flights to tomorrow." I says walking back into the cold airport.

"Jade can you bump our hotel reservations in Hawaii, up a couple days?" I ask.

"I can try, I'll see what my aunt can do...." She replies then dials the number into her phone.

Karlee and I walk around for awhile, trying to find the flight desk.

"You ladies lost?" A huge man walks up to us.

"Um...no." I say and we start to walk away.

"I'm sure I can help." He says moving closer to us.

"We're fine." I say again.

I notice that we're in a pretty empty hallway, and I see him reach for something. When he pulls it out it looks like a gun, Karlee looks ready to scream.

"Scream, and I shoot." He mutters and pushes us forward, I can feel the gun pressed to my back as he holds Karlee and I close. When we are around ten feet from the door, I grab the arm holding me and twist it.

"What the-" He starts to grab me, but I elbow the inside of his elbow. As he lifts his arm from holding Karlee, she shoots forward and runs for a security guard. He points the gun and at me, I kick me foot up and hit his hand, making his hand hit his face. Then I run, to where I see Karlee with the guards. They spot the man and run after him.

"Stop!" They yell. Some lady who heard them sticks her foot out and trips the man, letting the guards catch up to him. They pull the gun out of his hand and hand cuff him. I pant as I hug Karlee, she's almost in tears.

"It's alright, he's gone, it's over." I whisper.

I see Jade walking toward us.

"What the hell happened?" She asks hugging us.

"It's a long story..." I say slowly.

"Are you ladies alright?" A guard asks us.

"We're a little shocked, but we'll be fine." I say, seeing Karlee looking a little scared.

"Jade can we leave for Hawaii tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yes, my aunt has booked us in." She says.

"We should get a flight then." I say standing and we start to walk away. Then I see reporters rushing towards us.

"Is it true that you had a gun to your back?"

"Did you really beat up the man?"

"Are you hurt?" The reporters were yelling at us.

"Hey, leave the ladies alone!" Yells a security guard and the reporters slowly move away.

"Come on guys, let's just get a flight and get outta here!" Jade mumbles.


"At the airport this afternoon, a man attempted to kidnap two visiting young ladies. One of the ladies was trained in martial arts and was said to have "beat up" the man. Security guards got to the seen and took the man away. Reporters talked to the ladies after but didn't get any straight answers. Thanks for listening to The News Now, back to you Rick."

I switched the channel, and heard Jade on Skype in the other room.

"I'm fine, really. I wasn't even there when it happened!" She said.

My phone vibrated.

From: Ruby

OMG! You guys are on TV!!!! Are you ok? Sloan's plane hasn't landed yet and I was watching the news!

I sighed and started a new message.

To: Ruby

Yes, we are fine! We're on our way to Hawaii tomorrow.


I had phoned both of my parents and talked to them about everything, now Jade was talking to her boyfriend and Karlee was talking to her parents. I stood up and walked into the living room.

"Okay love you too, bye!" Jade says as she closes her laptop.

"That was just-"

"I know." I laugh.

"We should get some sleep, our flight is at five tomorrow morning." Jade suggests, as Karlee ends her call.

"Yeah I'm going to bed right now, I'm not good with early mornings!" Karlee giggles. She walks into the room we share and jumps into bed.

"Yeah, I might as well go to bed too." I say walking closer to the room.

"Ok, good night!" Jade says and walks into her room.

I walk in and take my shoes off, then I get into the shower.

After the shower I slip into my pajamas as slide into bed, laying and wondering how nice it would be to be love, like Jade or Ruby, or even Sloan. But finally I decide to let myself drift into a sound sleep.

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