No One Happier

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I change into a short nightie and brush out my hair. Then I wrap a short robe over me. I lit only a couple candles and it's hard to see. Suddenly there's a knock on my door.
Before I even opened the door i knew who it was.
"No rooms left, people are being told to stay with others, Mr. Farland got stuck with a family of five." He says, slightly laughing.
I groan and look down.
"Fine." I say letting him walk in.
"I'll make up the couch."
"Really, you only have one bedroom here?"
"Yes." I reply opening the closet and looking at the top shelf, where the extra pillows are blankets are.
I reach up and try to take them down. He comes behind me and takes them down. He gently puts them on the couch and pulls the couch sideways, making it bigger. I walk over to my cup of tea and sip it.
"Don't have anything stronger?" He asks placing the sheets down.
"If you mean liquor, no, I do not." I reply then place the cup down.
"Too bad." He replies charmingly.
"Yeah, what a shame." I say sarcastically.
He smiles as he takes his shoes off and pulls off his tux jacket. Then he lays on his back on the couch. I slowly walk to my room and grab the handle.
"What is it about me that you really dislike?" He asks, sitting up.
"You." I say, then step behind the door.
"Me?" He smiles, slowly sitting.
"Yes." I reply, then close the door. I stand by the door and hear him lean against him.
"Are you sure it's me? Or are you just scared?"
"Of what"? I ask through the door.
"I don't know, maybe you just have trust issues..." He scuffles.
"Trust issues......" I repeat.
"Well I don't know." He chokes.
"How do people stand you?" I mutter.
"The usually fall for my undeniable charm." He soothes back.
"Well, this must feel very strange to you. Because you can bet your life that I fell for no such thing." I huff, then walk away from the door.
As I fly around the bedroom, gathering clothes and trying to pull my shoes on, I hear footsteps in the kitchen. Knowing who's they are I try my best to ignore them.
Suddenly the sound of glass breaking makes me jump.
"What the hell are you doing!" I yell, pushing the bedroom door wide open.
"Oh, Mrs. Hodkins...what are you doing here." I mumble, my face burning with embarrassment.
"Sorry, I dropped the little tea cup. So I came here this morning to get you, and I find that the couch has been turned into a bed. No one was here though when I arrived." She says, sweeping the broken glass.
I let out a long sigh of relief.

"Now get dressed. You have a meeting at nine." She announces.

"Eh, I 'm too tired." I say, then face plant onto the couch.

Luckily it's cushioned undeniably. I quickly pull a puffy pillow over my head and try hard not to move.

"Oh, get up." She commands, ripping the pillow from my head.

"I'll see you in fifteen. Be ready, these men don't like to be kept waiting." She says, then walks out of the hotel room.

"Mnnnnn" I sigh into the couch.

Finally I drag myself off the couch and mope over to my room.

Last night was nothing. It wasn't. End of story.

If only I could convince myself that was true.


Ruby P.O.V.

As the sun shines brightly, I squint. My hands fumble as I  try to grab my sun glasses out of my bottomless purse.

Hearing my heels click on my driveway is nearly my favourite sound.

Next to, of course, Tony's voice.

Or James Dean's voice. 

Eh, both are great.

The red on my car shines, with perfect luminosity. I hear a slow song start to play, right away I know it's my phone.

It's Tony and my song.

Well it would be, if we had one.

Or if he just asked me to marry him. Like let's get things moving along buddy.

"Hello," I answer, in a slightly high pitch voice.

"Hey, are you busy?" I hear Tony's voice as I climb into my car.

"Not really, I was just about to come over," I reply, suddenly hitting my head on the roof.

As I rub the fresh bruise, I drop my phone.

"Oops," I mumble, then reach down and pick the phone up.

"Ok, I was just going to ask if you could come for dinner. My parents apparently miss. They think we're not together because they haven't seen you since Tuesday." He continues.

"Tuesday was yesterday,"

"Exactly." He laughs.

"Okay I'm on my way, does your mom need anything from the store?" I ask, pulling the door closed.

"Oh, just the usual, beef, lettuce, perfume, shampoo, nail polish, tomatoes, soap, lipstick, a new robe...I feel like I'm missing something," He wonders.

"You forgot the dishcloths." I pipe in.

"Right! So see you soon?" He giggles, (Well as much as he can. HIs voice is a little deep for giggling. That's my department.)

"Of course, that'll only take me four hours!" I exclaim, laughing. Then hang up the phone, starting the car.

Just the usual around here. I wonder how the girls are doing.

Hopefully they haven't gotten into much trouble, the trouble like Sloan had gotten into.

Oh goodness Sloan.

I'm probably way over excited for this whole trip. I mean, Tony and I have been on so many already. We go to his grandma's every Sunday. That's pretty far.

Well at least I know no one could possibly be happier than me.

Well, maybe not Tony. He's been, like walking on sunshine for the last month.

Oh wait, that's me.


Hey everyone!

Hopefully you're enjoying this story!

Finally some more  Ruby!!!!

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