The Next Adventure

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I slowly sit up in bed, and look around.

"Hurry up, Al. The plane leaves soon!" I hear Jade yell.

Laying beside me is a sound asleep Karlee.

"Karlee, wake up, Karlee..."

She shoots up and looks at me.

"What?" She sounds like she's about to die.

"Come on we have to get to the plane!" I say, throwing stuff in my suitcase.

I quickly zip up the side of my suitcase. I look over Karlee laying in a heap.

"KARlEE!" I yell. She literally falls out of bed and onto the floor.

"I'm up, please don't kill me!" She replies slowly sitting up with blankets wrapped around her.

I throw all her clothes into a suit case and throw her a tank and a pair of shorts to put on. By the time I have my suitcase and Karlee's suitcase waiting at the room door, she has stood up and attemped to pull a shirt on.

"Come on you guys!" Jade yells, standing beside me.

I quickly walk to the bedroom and look at Karlee.

"Sweetie, do I have to dress you?" I ask.

"Nah...I got it." She walks to the bathroom and in under two minutes she's standing in front of me, dressed.

"Ok, let's go!" Jade says as we walk into the hallway.

The huge windows portray the dark sky, the sun hasn't even began to rise yet and we have to get to the airport. As we step out of the elevator we see other people waiting for the shuttle to arrive.

"Let's get our tickets out." Karlee says.

"I don't want to leave Hawaii..." I say sadly.

"Yeah I just want to get to Korea. But we have to go to dumb Ireland." Jade complains.

"Oh, come on I'll be fun, everyone with their accents." I say trying to cheer myself up.

"Look there's the shuttle." Says a tiny red head.

We all run to the shuttle and squish in. It speeds to the airport  and we race through trying to get to our plane. As we hand the woman our passports the last call for our flight is called. Slowly we sit in seats. This time I'm supposed to sit beside a random person, but no one ever comes. I smile at Jade and she sticks her tongue out at me. Then our fourteen and a half hours begin.


"Ruby!" Tony shouts.

"Yes?" She replies.
"What did you want me to get from down here?" He asked, standing in the basement as she stood upstairs.
"I told you, another suitcase, that red dress, the four bathing suits and the six pairs of shorts..." As she finished talking his dark haired head rounded the corner of the kitchen. He places the basket with all the clothes down and hugged her.
"Right, how could I forget..." He laughed as Ruby slowly rolled her eyes. He reached down and kissed her. Then raised an eyebrow.
"Almost done packing?" He said gesturing to her four full suitcases.
"Are you nuts?" She replied.
"I've only just began." She smirked then walked out.
"I'" Jade complains we've been on the plane ten hours and she hasn't stop talking yet.
"Okay, how many boyfriends have you had?" I ask, turning to face them across the aisle.
"I don't know....several?" She replied.
"How do they take you places?" I ask.
"Well I don't complain to them..." She replies.
"Oh, good to know." I reply rolling my eyes.

"So Karlee, what's the deal with this guy?" Jade asks, smiling.

"Yeah, you and Sloan both are found of surfers." I say leaning back in my chair.

"He's in a surfing competition, he's not going to be in Hawaii much longer.....I forgot to ask where's he's going next.....Did he sound like he had a little accent?" She asks us.

"I barely heard him talk...." Jade replies, taking multiple pictures of the outside.

"Yeah I did, almost like he was trying to hide it." I reply, thinking about how he talked.

"Yeah, whatever, never gonna see him again...." Karlee says looking down.

A hear a bell sound and vibrating, I pull out my phone and look at my new messages.

"'s official, Sloan is going to the U of SC." I say, gaping at my phone.

"Really?" Jade asks leaning forward.

"You don't think she's just moving for what's his face do you?" Jade says leaning back down.

"No, she's wanted to live their since she was in grade seven." Karlee says.

"Soooo.....Jade how's -"

"We broke up, don't ask. Don't care. Next topic."

"Ok, moving on." I say looking at her.

"What about you? Everyone has, had someone but you...." Karlee says.

"Yes, thanks for pointing that out." I reply.

"I'm gonna get married in Korea to someone." Jade tells us.

"Oh, good." I say, shaking my head

My head slowly fell too far forward and I quickly sat up. I looked around and noticed people were starting to wake up.
Suddenly a green light starts to flash and the loud speaker tells us to fasten our seat belts.

"Oh. my. god we're here!" Jade says sitting up.

"Finally." Karlee says reaching over and tying her seat belt.

The plane quickly jerks and I feel my ears pop, I quickly take out my phone and examine my hair. I make a face and flip my head forward, then I tie it up in a fluffy bun on the top of my head.

The plane touches down with another jerk and I gather my stuff into my huge purse. The light indicating the passengers can leave the plane lights up. I grab my things and quickly walk out of the plane. The other two girls slowly walk from the plane, Jade looking a tad sick.

"Was that rough or is it just me?" She says, as we walk to get our luggage.

I slightly laugh as we pick up our giant suitcases then start to roll out the door.    

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